Allergy to cow's milk proteins should lead to non-vaccination
Translation of Loris Palmerini
In this research March 2018, the authors sought to describe and verify the frequency of anaphylactic reactions and to quantify the risks associated with measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) in the records of the State of Santa Catarina State, Brazil, in 2014 It is in the 2015. Questo Stato è abitato da moltissimi discendenti di Veneti emigrati alla fine del 1800.
No differences were found between breast-fed babies and those with formula, and they are not statistically significant family allergies and any previous post-vaccination adverse events .
Anaphylactic reactions per dose were higher in 1/100,000 for dose (expected rate). Si è riscontrata una associazione statistica significativa fra anafilassi e allergia alle proteine della latte di mucca (CMPA )
The authors concluded and recommended that manufacturers specify the components of the vaccine products and that children with a history of allergy to proteins in cow's milk (CMPA ) not be vaccinated with these products.
Translator's Note: It does not appear that in Italy, before vaccination, to be ascertained if the child suffers from allergy to cow's milk protein.
- 1 Ministério da Saúde, Brasília, Brazil.
- 2 Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil.