1. Marco
    20 November 2009 @ 19:35

    E’ da un poche mi sto interessando sl signoraggio e sto cercando di diffondere un poil discorso tra i miei amici. Il problema è che vivo in Inghilterra e non ho idea come si dica ‘signoraggio’ in English…

    Idea? =)


  2. Drainage
    7 January 2009 @ 16:44

    a me pare che adesso non stia andando cosìper ora il prezzo del petrolio rimane basso, l’Euro è in calo nel rapporto col Dollaro, insomma Palmerini assa perdar, un Nostradamus basta ed avanza 🙂


  3. giuseppe
    29 September 2008 @ 18:12

    I agree, but I am assuming that banks around the world are istututi private credit in two categories: central ones ( holding with the consent of its government the right to seigniorage and lend money to governments ???? , and commercial banks ) and commercial ones that exist only to trade the money and in turn mirrored by exploiting what is called ” FRACTIONAL RESERVE ” .
    So I think the solution is not the rescue by a state that is the responsibility of all citizens of one or more private companies (commercial banks and commercial banks ) that when they distribute dividends only do so among their members and that when, as now you see how they could create dividends, to pay are all citizens of that State.
    Let them fail,cos’ì che le banche centrali private che si sono fidate (o che erano d’accordo fin dall’ beginning) pay with their past or future dividends.
    Perhaps hoping that the governments of nations who declare Democratic claiming on behalf of their people in the future the right to “seigniorage”,
    a worldwide scam borne by all and a few private to divide the loot.


  4. Carlo S.
    27 September 2008 @ 19:34

    Congratulations for the post, recalls apocalyptic scenarios that do not share all the way down, MA, visto quello che succede dall’apertura della crisi sub-prime, it could be, actually, una triste futura realtà .
    However, watching US history, every little economic crisis has always been resolved by a war, then, with the continuing crisis, the solution can only lead to conflict (initially economic, then political and at the end with weapons).


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