1. enricodesimone@frastwebnet.it
    29 July 2010 @ 18:58

    In Serbia 200 euros in Italy 1200 the salary: states establish the standard wage paid by governmental enterprise with integration prior exhaustion of spending on bureaucratic salaries!


  2. enricodesimone@fastwebnet.it
    8 May 2010 @ 10:30

    more: 82% and not 75%; the rung does not change. Rather, the systemic crisis – always when it rains in anticipation of the flood we realize -, soccorrerebbe a single European budget to compare with the rating agencies and to study the deviations. real and non-financial guarantees for sustainability’ dell’euro


  3. enricodesimone@fastwebnet.it
    1 May 2010 @ 18:50

    Rif.to n° 12: la stampa si preoccupa della discesa dell’euro; intanto con l’entrata in vigore il rapporto dollaro euro era quasi alla pari, with dropped almost Dusamberg 75 tanto che l’allora senatore Salvi lo defini’ idiot while Mr Prodi meant nothing, oggi si crea allarmismo sottovalutando la ripresa USA che invece con la discesa drogava l’euro rendendo non competitivo l’export europeo


  4. enricodesimone
    28 December 2009 @ 17:56

    The macro-scenarios should make us reflect on domestic decisions of governments; the copenhagen should be as annual budgets and resources to harmonize production with the single currency of scambioed an economic and business hours on charges of legislation pending’ only cost of labor


  5. enricodesimone
    28 December 2009 @ 17:43

    L’Europa geo-economica col suo Euro, buffer between China and Americaq


  6. enricodesimone@fastwebnet.it
    31 July 2009 @ 13:24

    To be competitive with China without degradation manual and at peace with capitalist development, l’accumulazione di ricchezza deve limitarsi a quella industriale col superamento di quella da accumulo professionale, sovrattutto for the Romance languages ​​derived professions that Sarkozy intended to amend; reductions of movement of goods and services derived discouragement of compressed individual dynamism


  7. enricodesimone
    11 July 2008 @ 21:39

    La debolezza del dollaro fa salire la quotazione dell’oro, as well as oil. Mentre con l’oro si diventa re Mida, with oil is campa annuity


  8. mg
    28 September 2007 @ 15:30

    What pollute less than electric ones, I honestly would like to see the data: entrambe hanno bisogno di elettricità (for operation or for the production of hydrogen), ma l’impianto “fuel cell” (che non definirei l’equivalente concettuale del motore a scoppio), intendendo l’intero processo, It has lower yields, quindi consuma piú elettricità , therefore consumes more oil; a calculation has been done on the bus, ed è venuto fuori che con l’energia di uno a celle a combustibile ne muovi circa due elettrici (http://www.aspoitalia.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=175&Itemid=38). “Probably pollutes less”, you say; on what basis? With such data? You have the fundamentals, to make such a statement? Moreover, to which you refer pollution? gas serra? Heavy metals? Particulate matter? Come già detto per Eolo, al di là delle parole sarebbero graditi dei dati.
    Senza contare piccolezze come il fatto che l’immagazzinamento dell’idrogeno è tutto meno che un problema risolto, e che l’idrogeno stesso presenta delle difficoltà di utilizzo legate alla sua stessa natura.


  9. Sergio
    18 September 2007 @ 09:44

    Britain has closed the coal mines, ha di fatto rinunciato ad avere una propria industria dell’auto, yet it is pretty good (apart from the misdeeds of the banking system you are being talked about these days) having developed the new technologies, biomedical, scientific research. When we talk about the dolly sheep, ricordiamoci che al di là del dibattito etico, There are huge investments in research that there were facts and not here.
    Parte dei nostri limiti derivano dal mezzogiorno d’Italia, che ha bruciato tonnellate di euro dell’UE senza riuscire a creare infrastrutture adeguate e imprese di successo, ma parte dei nostri limiti sono insiti nel nostro modo di pensare all’impresa, alla produzione e agli interessi strategici della collettività . Here's an example: If we are late on the TAV Turin-Lyon which it is part of a European strategic corridor pr our future, I do not think it's the fault of southern Italy, I think it is the fault of particularism that in this country you never decide anything. L’anello autostradale di Mestre doveva essere fatto 15 Years ago, la tezra corsia per trieste e una adeguata indfrastruttura ferroviaria per l’est pure. Sull’appennino emiliano stanno cercando di bloccare l’installazione di centrali eoliche, but then they say no to nuclear power, gasifier in Adriatic, the gas turbine: how do we move forward?With the bike hydrogen made in Shanghai?


  10. enricodesimone
    17 September 2007 @ 09:56

    Sono daccordo con Luca con l’energia problema fondamentale, but if not then you and’ MORE’ legati al petrolio ma ad altro si sovvertono i condizionamenti per lo sviluppo all’infinito verso la produzione decrescente d’alleligottero all’accendino


  11. agriturismo umbria
    17 September 2007 @ 07:47

    Perhaps you are right in part, as in all things,
    however some’ alarmism is good so as not to stay with our arms folded those responsible !!!
    saluti dall’Umbria.


  12. stefano
    16 September 2007 @ 21:45

    Sono d’accordo che andare a produrre in Cina da parte degli italiani e come regalare loro delle conoscenze, then a desire to do evil ( si dimentica ancora l’Africa purtroppo).
    China is making the classic: Produce for other low-cost, with money made buys the Others, and then sell the other and to yourself now that you are the owner).
    Please do, however, make it clear to those of us Italians stoned that this is mainly our fault and not always just the government, of the state, of the system and various jerking.
    By stopping to feed ( aka buy) Meanwhile, the Chinese do a good deed to ourselves ( and since I speak of the Venetian and Veneto companies, sappiamo bene che la qualità , i do not even know the Chinese,It does not become culture in a few decades, many of our Venetian companies instead make,the SA 8000 all’inzizio dell’anno in tutto il mondo erano circa 1200 companies, over 300 the Italian!!! ,you know I say this from experience)
    Finally Loris, I am an admirer of Southern aristocracy,and I'll explain why: in 1870 il banco di Napoli aveva circa l’80% del risparmio circolante in Italia, other banks central and “Nordic” only the 20%.!!! In Campania and he founded the first railway a few years later, when the north was still on barges , AND, both in Milan and around the Veneto,etc. etc. The first collection and processing INDUSTRIAL and was made in the South ( in Sicily , for oranges and vegetables). Why it always continues to also hide this part of History ,DICK!!! Leggo le tue belle scoperte sulla Non Unità d’Italia e i falsi referendari, but we also give to others about who really. La conqusita dell’Italia “unit” was only a civil war paid by the North not to make up for the South, Garibaldi was a mercenary just. Finiamola con tutta ‘sta sega lunghissima di spirito nazionale e balle varie. The Mafia was the Northern tribute ( come facevano i romani con i consoli ai confini dell’impero) good to keep the conquered territories in the South, con il beneplacido della Chiesa che era ed è la più grande potenza finanziaria dell’Occidente.
    Thanks if you want to also publish this my, altrimenti grazie comuque per la possibilità di avervi fatto esprimere il mio parere.
    Last gloss: how many know that in 1936 un alto funzionario di Hitler andò in oriente per vedere se era possibile portare gli ebrei dove ora c’e Isralele , before moving to the concentration in Poland?!? The mission of this officer fouls because the Arabs of those times did not want the eberi, who happens in about 2000 years of history have collected 186 reprimands different from all European states. And this should start to think about whether Jewish culture and just as chaste and pure as they want to continue to make us believe!
    Stefano Cervellini


  13. Daniele Florio
    16 September 2007 @ 15:58

    I think you're a bit’ exaggerating things. Il fatto che si stia producendo questa bicicletta non significa necessariamente che l’Italia è perduta… namely, that sense has ?


  14. luca
    16 September 2007 @ 14:20

    It's easy to make judgments and dear Loris doomsday predictions. The macro-scenarios that lie ahead are still very uncertain and definitely disturbing. Io personalmente ritengo che la madre di tutti i problemi nn sarà tra quelle che dici tu: la corsa all’energia secondo me sarà il vero disastro da contrastare. When that a billion people will also want their toaster…..
    Ma se sarà come dici tu, then what sense does it bother?
    Io credo che l’economia abbia anche bisongo di iniezioni di fiduciatu qui ne dai ben poca e secondo me hai sprecato un’occasione per far qualcosa di utile anche tu.



  15. Roberto
    15 September 2007 @ 18:01

    Sono d’accordo anche io.


  16. Mario
    15 September 2007 @ 08:37

    Sono perfettamente d’accordo


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