It sets Italy the regularization of 9000 abusive judges.
The perturbations on the justice of recent days have a precise origin.
Il fatto è che essa deve essere rimessa in ordine nel profondo, e sistemata la giustizia questo ceto politico finirà arrestato per sovversione.
Ecco perché le alte cariche cercano di proteggersi con l’immunità anche per il colpo di stato, dopo che è già stato depotenziato il crimine di attentato alla costituzione pochi anni fa.
I begin here to put a dowel, which explains part of the picture and what's going on.
La giustizia sarà riformata nel profondo. Why ? From who?
let's start. The Italian Constitution says that the judges should be judges who have won the public competition, ie career magistrates, in his words “La funzione giurisdizionale è esercitata da magistrati ordinari istituiti e regolati dalle norme sull’ordinamento giudiziario.” (art. 102 Cost)
Furthermore, the Constitution reserves to the civil courts, the criminal and administrative functions of the judiciary, with her words “They can not be established extraordinary or special judges Judges. They can only be established within the ordinary courts specialized sections for specific matters, also with the participation of qualified citizens who are on the judiciary.”(art. 102 Cost)
Instead we had to 30 years the so-called Provincial Councils, and today we 2 blatant distortions.
The first is the so-called Tributary Commissions,a judge “special” sopravvissuto dal fascismo che in realtà decide molte questioni economiche dei cittadini. E chi decide lì dentro, The Judges, They are not even ordinary magistrates , but recommended party. Si finisce a processoperché denunciati senza prove, and you have to prove his innocence.Manco in the Middle Ages. For more, in 2007 in the course of a trial to a friend, I requested verification of these things , MA they cost me my arrest, defamation by the Mattino di Padova and an investigation of the Prosecutor of Padua still ongoing.
The second flaw, I am so-called “lay judges”, che invece di essere magistrati di carriera sono in realtà dei neo laureati, or lawyers, which they are often antagonistic to the judiciary itself. The civil courts are filled, and the processes performed by them are invalid as those of the tax commission. This heresy of the right is not derived from a known dictatorship, but from that it achieved in the last 15 years at the hands of the political right and left joined together,with the silence of unions and associations.
Following my instructions, and the favor of Life, 1250 Venetian citizens have asked the Court of Human Rights to heal this cancer that affects the human right to an independent and impartial judge in compliance with the law and the constitution.
The exact words used were “the purple Italian jurisdiction of many times the upper limits of any possible reasonableness in the length of the causes, and uses judges contrary to the legal system for the conduct of trials, specialmente nella giustizia tributaria nella quale I processi vengono perfino svolti in istituzioni incostituzionali chiamate “Commissioni Tributarie” dove fasulli magistrati nominati politicamente svolgono processi senza contraddittorio equo e secondo il principio che the accused must prove his innocence in the absence of evidence.
Anche nei tribunali civili dei fasulli magistrati chiamati “giudici onorari” in violazione della costituzione esercitano la funzione giudiziaria. Nessun ricorso valso a far valere queste comuni norme di diritto è mai servito a garantire i diritti umani.“
Il ricorso è stato depositato il 2 June 2008. After about 15 giorni è arrivata la notifica allo Stato Italiano, as trained, and behold, a week later, namely last week, in parliament si è avviato un bill to regularize 9000 (nine thousand !) judges and magistrates make them.
E’ pure mathematics, e il risultato sarà che questi assunti non saranno più, as they are now, soggetti alla discrezionalità politica, species in the Tax Commissions , così come i Giudici Onorari.
Più giustizia per tutti,not to abuse the caste.
That explains the sudden turn on justice. Chi leggerà il ricorso capirà anche perché improvvisamente siè tornati a parlare della ineleggibilità di Berlusconi.
In short, we see the first effects of the use of the Venetians, effects that are to the advantage of all of Italy, sebbene lo scopo dei veneti è il loro legale diritto all’indipendenza.
But how can you have the independence legally provided for in a country where violation of the law reigns ?
That the right to independence of the Venetian people do harm to neighboring rights.
Unfortunately, Italy has been living in the media dictatorship for at least 15 years, e queste verità sono indicibili e per questo resta oscurata alla popolazione, to you who read, the true nature and the issues that are under discussion.
and but, from the outside , by the European Council which decides on human rights, you will have to drive the necessary change and the change of the regime if you do not want to lose face in front of the world.
Vi racconterò altro ancora su questo, provided that you do not give to be free among slaves from media chains .