E’ very easy to understand, but you do not want to accept.
Suppose that no union is truly free and independent, but in reality part of the system as the Fasci and the Corporations already functioned during Fascism (or in socialist countries).
So let's start with this concept: It has never changed fascist structure (and not liberal) dell’Italia, They have changed only appearances but not the substance.
Well, solo che a capo del regime c’è oggi un congrega di banchieri, che controllando la moneta e sopratutto l’indebitamento, so much so that they became masters of the Central Bank (Bankitalia) in violazione delle leggi e della sovranità .
At this point you decide (metà anni ’90) that the people should be depleted, namely:
– lo Stato deve regalare ai Banchieri le immense proprietà statali
– The small business and middle, as well as executives and professionals, They must be progressively reduced to temporary workers and unable to start a family
– employees must be reduced in their life expectancy, nella possibilità di ascesa sociale, nella qualità dei servizi sanitari, and then subsequently, thinned in number, progressively replaced by androids and automatons
– The state bureaucracy must be trimmed, outsourced, replaced with automated systems, in order to concentrate the decisions even more in a few hands
– political representation is substantially replaced by simulacra that will have to pretend to do things for doing otherwise.
How do you do this?
Take for example the take away the rights of the workers, and trade union guarantees. You can not get it done with the representatives of employers, because the workers incazzerebbero, and still more angry if the unions do not defend them. Should at square the workers and bypassing the unions could break that consociativismo that today makes the totally controlled system. So you do ? Simple : Take away the rights by their political representatives.
then, se osserviamo la storia d’Italia degli ultimi 25 years:
– The center-right government has progressively precarious businesses and entrepreneurs, for regularizing much more precarious labor
– The center-left government has progressively precarious workers, giving many incentives to businesses
– in general, but in particular the government of Professors has sold and dismembered the state and central governments
– I “federalists” They have attempted to pass a “devolution” that took away powers to the regions and centralizing powers, They have denied the facts and cleared the rights of the Venetians
– Now the sovereignist government and (ex) What does autonomy? Apre le frontiere alla Cina e globalizza l’economia, non concede l’autonomia, completa la precarizzazione regalando sostentamento a chi non troverà mai più un altro lavoro perché incapace di lavorare, increasingly it concentrates power in a few hands and fuck “l’uno vale uno”.
In practice, the interpretation model is that those who say they want to do something systematically act to the contrary continues to deny the facts.
To ensure everything is working the media, che raccontando sistematicamente una versione taroccata della realtà plagiando sistematicamente la popolazione, which, even when she believes in “change” (Professor, Renzi, sovranisti) in realtà cade in un inganno artefatto e programmato con anni di anticipo. Who are the media owners ? the bankers, and remember that Berlusconi is a banker. So it is clear that some’ of “contentini” and seasoned lies the skit, but the substance remains the one I indicated.
Question : the pattern matches the story? Yup, so it's science.
As I leave this old-neo-fascist government which is called Italy, and that works well?
You can , as our right , back to the pre-unification states, perché l’Italia è nata illegalmente, as I described in my book “The Republic unborn”.
We'll have to do it or we will become more and more subjects and enslaved in the facts.
We can free ourselves, but it is useless if you do not establish the proviso that no more bankers can become controllers , nothing, much less money and debt.