The signs and demonstrations of a global plan
In this post of 2017 I had pointed out that several elements indicated to us the existence of a general project of undemocratic global domination, project that proved to be being implemented and which in fact was unleashed with the Covid-19 pandemic .
The original text of 2017 is reported at the bottom, In what followed I made some additions.
You want children to be used to using some mental patterns from an early age, and at the same time the alternative forms of thought, also in the school project, they are denigrated, reduced to irrelevant and economically marginalized. All this has long been carried out through public and financed schools, While unsecured private schools are expensive alternatives, therefore in fact reserved for the wealthy. However, alternative schools are very few, so when the complex does not affect the company if not marginally .
This way of understanding the school is well represented by the reform of the school created by Lorenzin in 2014: The state lengthens the hand on nursery schools and schools, he defines part of the school and directs them to the state programs, while the reduction of parental schools. We saw in 2017 The law that forces the children who go to schools and public kindergartens to vaccination, leaving very little chance of escaping the non -well -sized.
for decades, through the dominance of mass media, It is so that people receive instructions on what to do and theirs “agenda”, every day several hours of propaganda. This is made mainly with TV, Radio and the press,A but now with mobile phones you can individualize communication. E’ it is true that on the one hand the web flanked the shirt, But we saw with the pandemic of 2020 that the great web operators censor non -aligned information. The agenda requires that non -aligned individuals are prevented in exposing themselves also through the web, And if the misaligners are highlocated they will be marginalized and ostracized, reduced to silence, fired, blackmailed etc.. In general, people are prevented in the expression of their opinion , and we are continuously witnessing attempts to reduce the web to silence, masking it from time to time as “Privacy protection”, The “Fight against fake news”, Or “contrast to disinformation”.
The system must maintain a certain apparent consistency, And he must make sure that misalignized people do not collect following and interest. Therefore it is necessary to know in detail the tastes of people, preferences, the circle of friends and relatives they belong. Having these data is essential both to always provide the product that the user is looking for ( commercial purposes that serve to make unfair competition), both to understand which political program to people would like, In order to make it repeat to the puppet candidate who, being a puppet, will betray the newly elected program. With the technique of multi-vary statistics, By at least 50 years the data of the voters are processed, For example, consumption in shopping centers allow you to know months earlier will vote for that territory, But the statistics on electrical consumption are added (of home or sea or mountains), on fuels, on cinemas etc., market research, and the precision in predicting the electoral results rises to 95%. With the arrival of smartphones the amount of data has become enormous, And the frequentations of a person are perfectly known, precise interests, even vices and virtues. Thanks to the reading of messages, to the transcription of the conversations, listening to the family speeches that the mobile phone makes because the user authorized the phone to do it (Now also the various vocal assistants of other appliances at home) It is possible to know everything the person thinks, and also of the people you attend. Even without artificial intelligence it is possible to trace a precise map of the concepts that represent the person. If you want to know who you are and who you have most likely Google knows more than yourself. Because even if Google does not have Facebook and other social data, You yourself authorized the copy of those data in the Google Cloud, including sms, Email, i file Telegram ecc. etc.
This huge amount of data puts political candidates in total dependence on the masters of social media and the great web operators who essentially are only three or four . But in any case the media sell 80% of their advertising to pharmaceutical and automotive companies whose owners are the same as the web giants. Political candidates are juicy and piloted by these stateless multinationals, they will have no visibility if they are not, they will be slandered if they dare to oppose, possibly economically and judicially massacred. States have been the ownership for decades as I have shown with the Brogli dossier .
It is not only political democracy that no longer exists, All economic democracy is also over: The data allows to anticipate the trends, to buy companies just before they arrive their great moment of success and to sell them just before they go into crisis. Knowing people's moods also allows you to estimate the probability of a war, of political turning, and anticipate everything in order to always earn us.
At the market competition level it is easy, For data holders, Make industrial espionage, copy inventions, eliminate fearsome revolutionary products by sending in crisis or eliminating the people who are creating. This also produces technological delay and monopoly, And it is no coincidence that the computer science of the nineties, Absolute monopoly of a few companies, has been freed from a system “Open Source” Like Linux who today is omnipresent (Android and a linux derivation ).
The disparity of information and taxation is gradually making the social-democracy system die that has characterized the western world since the 1950s at the end of communism, And we can say that from 1989 they are gradually disappearing the middle class, the small and medium industry, the average parties, the medium income …. All for the exclusive advantage of the state-mile-miliardarians and antisocial.
The mobile phones and data control give all that power, while citizens prevent them from having them because they are said to them that there is the protection of the “Privacy” . Thanks to “Privacy” All this immense amount of information, especially with mobile phones, It is exclusive prerogative of data holders, They have access to everything thanks to data backups, while privacy prevents small groups from knowing, to propose alternative, to propose what the large groups propose before them.
All this leads to closing the circle for which the elections are reduced to moments of confirmation of candidates compliant with the system, They are prepared in time by the system, formats, propaganda, equipped with the means, kept at the lace with tools that can translate into possible blackmail. just as an example, The book “The eight italie” by Giampaolo Fabris del 1986 he had already foreseen, with the data and methods then available (a thousandth part of the data available today), that Italy was going to the center-right, And this a few years later he realized but intercepted by those who had these data and the means to present themselves. The product, or the answer to the questions, It is created in time and in advance, making every social evolution actually the realization of a project, The answer to the “Question” on the rise which, however, is bogus, The elected ones will always do something else compared to what is promised. But there is a problem: How do you not make the game understand the Girutullo ? Two fakely alternative sides are created, and the electoral program of each is made to respond to about the 50% of the electoral application, Being careful not to make too similar programs as happened in a round. There must be a fake alternation in power between two major sides that are controlled by the same masters of the data that are those who actually decide the concrete agenda.
But it may happen that by mistake you get to power someone who has not been asserted and prepared for good, un outsider, or that the elected ends up with believing that he is the true architect of his success (and not the masters of the data that control the media etc.) . If there are unexpected events or problems of this kind, There is the red button of total destruction: The government is accused of various economic nefarines, Rating agencies (owned by the Etto-Miliardari) lower the state score, its economic perspectives etc.. Banks are gaming forced to take measures, estimates say the state is unreliable, Each investment in it is at risk, they must fall from the risk by reducing loans, i mumbled, because the X regulation of Basel (established by a few hands in the world) establishes the parameters within which banks must be so as not to go default. The government is accused of doing so badly to the economy of the Parse and to bring misery, and the big banks (owned by the Etto-Miliardari), They ask the government for the return of Hetto-Miliardari loans. The state at that point is bankruptcy, It can only choose between not paying salaries to law enforcement or changing government.
gives 30 years people with mobile phone are always traceable in their physical position, I give 20 There are also emitters inserted in objects such as shirts and shoes. However, a microchip would be even better, since it can do other things too.
Here he proposed himself openly and he also tried to impose that individuals have grafted under a microchip, useful for payment, but also for medical supervision, While we are also there for the inoculation of specific drugs “savevita”. This is still proposed as comfortable, useful, sano, and sure. But all this is overcome by the graphene oxide dwarfs, which allows you to create a real antenna inside the body that it can both transmit and receive . Can transmit the location, but also the state of health, Some neuronal and synaptic information etc.. Can receive signals, and organize in the body of the structures, could serve “push” some neurons, Modifying psychimic states, but also breaking blood vessels, procure death. Unfortunately, the difficulty consists in convincing people to make them inject, But not in the case of pandemic, and since it can be chemically neutralized, At least annual vaccination is required, for the flu, For the new disease, to be able to circulate, In order to enjoy their own “rights”.
The Etto-Miliardari Satanassi want total domain, because the plebs are too much, could turn against their masters. There are too many breads between bread, So it is better to disincent the procreation, So maybe that a commercial choice will also be made. Sterility can be easily made with gonadotropine injections.
But to make procreation not desirable, the sphere of the heterosexual couple must be blocked, it must be made obsolete, no longer fashionable, no longer desirable.
Then the agenda is proposed for which individuals accept any type of promiscuity without reservations, so everyone goes with everyone, And all are male and half -female means, and that both males and females experience in every way also and especially mutizing their sexual organs to become anything else . A turbid and promiscuous indefinite sexual relationship practiced and propagated in order to confuse everything. All this also contributes to reducing births, But to prevent a family from being created, it is important that no man and no woman can, alone, keep a family. The income of a person must not allow to maintain a careful parent a child. If you want the child, two parents have to work and therefore the child raises the state.
Sexual promiscuity has historically spreads not only Venerean diseases, But everything is apparently curable with chemistry. If you have a sexual disease and don't care, In a promiscuous company you jeopardize collective health, You must be treated by force, Other individuals must be “protected”, Therefore it is necessary to oblige people to vaccinations such as the one against the papilloma.
Individuals not chemically controlled and manipulated or vaccinated must be marginalized because they are dangerous. It goes without saying that before or after the non -compliant they must be suppressed, It is not enough to put them on an autonomous island, There must be no island that shows the dignity of the person made in peace, It is a bad example as was the Republic of Venice.
Most of what I had written I already indicated in the 2017, Today it is already reality, also in these days the Parliament (decided by the Etto-Miliardari) legislates to achieve the rest.
How this has come to this ?
For centuries some bankers have fomented wars by financing both factions. At the end of the war, both the winner and the loser were indebted to the bankers beyond the recoverable and therefore their succubus.
States decided to indebted further with the issue of “titles” which then became a noose around the neck of the chokes.
They therefore have realized “reforms” so it was possible that in fact the states are owned by the Strozzini bankers.
On the other hand the indebted countries (even with false debts) can be manageable more easily and more stablely.
The indebted countries make corruption easy, Politicians need money, and once corrupt and made electing corrupt rulers are more likely and available to do everything you want for four money and a bit’ of personal and family benefits.
If you still don't understand that this is reality, It means that the program is proceeding well.
All this complies with an absolute domain program of an elite.
The tests are there: You see them like me ?
If not enough for you, Add the issues relating to the pollution of the earth and air, to GMOs, to the ecological and economic solutions available but prevented…
If not enough for you, Ask why the most populations more “evolved” they see life expectations reduced, you live more and more sick, depressed, More than someone comes out of the head and kill others.
If not enough for you, Ask why the most populations more “evolved” they are disappearing in numerical terms.
If not enough for you, Ask yourself how a few tens of thousands of public employees in Italy earn as a president of the USA.
If you are not enough for you, ask how it is possible that the population undergoes the progressive immediation and continuously undergoes economic damage in a country “Democratic” with such a beautiful and useless constitution .
If you haven't understood yet, Read the rest of my site.
TEXT 2017
Here are the signs that indicate the existence of a general project, vediamoli.
They wanted from an early age the children were accustomed to certain ways of thinking and that alternative forms of thought were reduced to irrelevant and marginal. All this has long been achieved through public schools, while private schools are alternatives but only for the elite, however they do not change the result.
It is so that people receive instructions on what to do, every day several hours. This has been made for some time through the dominance of mass media. Today it is made with TV, the print, with mobile phones. But the web flanked the shirt, Therefore it is proposed that non -aligned individuals are prevented from the expression of their opinion with continuous attempts to reduce the web to silence.
We want to know in detail both the tastes and the preferences of people, both for commercial purposes, both to propose the most credible political program, which will surely be betrayed. This has long been made with statistics, market research, mobile phones and control of privacy data. Privacy in fact prevents citizens from knowing what data holders know, prevent small groups from knowing and proposing what the large groups propose the data propose.
The elections are intended to be reduced to confirms of compliant candidates (to the system), If you can “jolts” They are accused of doing so badly the economy and bringing misery. This has long been made by banks and their systems “rating”.
You want people to be always traceable in their position, This happens today with mobile phones, and with emitters in objects, But a microchip would be better, who can do other things too.
It is proposed that individuals have a jacked microchip underdown, useful for payment, but also for medical supervision, While we are also there for the inoculation of specific drugs “savevita”. This is proposed as comfortable, useful, sano, and sure.
It is proposed that individuals accept any kind of promiscuity without reserve’ sexual, and indeed that they practice it. This also reduces birth and spreads diseases, which, however, proposes are treated with chemistry. Collective health is primary in promiscuous society, This is why individuals must be “protected”, For example with mass vaccinations.
Individuals not chemically controlled and manipulated or vaccinated must be marginalized because they are dangerous. This is underway. The following will come by themselves that they will eventually be suppressed.
If you notice most of what has been said, it is reality, The non -elected parliament in the next few days will implement the laws that make the rest.
How is it possible ? If the countries are indebted (with false debts) they are more stable ways governable
If the rulers are corrupt, They will be inclined and available to do everything you want for four money and a bit’ of personal and family benefits.
If you still don't understand that this is reality, It means that the program is proceeding well.
All this complies with an absolute domain program of an elite.
The tests are there: You see them like me ?
If not enough for you, Add the issues relating to the pollution of the earth and air, to GMOs, to ecological and economic solutions to many of these problems that are there but are hidden.
If not enough for you, Ask why the most populations more “evolved” they see life expectations reduced, you live more and more sick, depressed, More than someone comes out of the head and kill others.
If not enough for you, Ask why the most populations more “evolved” they are disappearing in numerical terms.
If not enough for you, Ask yourself how a few tens of thousands of public employees in Italy earn as a president of the USA.
If you are not enough for you, ask how it is possible that the population undergoes the progressive immediation of the people and continually suffers this damage in a country “Democratic” with such a beautiful and useless constitution .
If you haven't understood yet, Read the rest of my site.