The restorers of the Venetian Republic are not female.
La Repubblica Veneta è stata una delle civiltà più lunghe della storia, ben più lunga dell’Impero romano d’occidente, and also of the Greeks, surpassed only by the Celestial Empire, from Persia and Egyptians (at least the last 5000 years).
We Venetians grouped in it have given the world the idea and practice of the modern state.
Not that among us there were not criminals, whoremongers, murderers and criminals. There are also now, for charity.
However, the state worked very very well.
Justice was impartial and also struck the Doges (we achieved the division of powers and the independence of judges even before it was theorized, perché era un fatto culturalmente ovvio )
The market was free (perché ai veneti non piace lo stato invadente), but it was supervised ( the Venetians do not like the position abuse, and we invented the first anti-trust 1200)
They fought and scams those who did not pay (the godwit not only pursued them, but just persecuted them) and illegal trade (citizenship only after they had 20 years of residence).
Navigation was regulated (il codice marittimo di oggi è fondato su quello veneto), and combated piracy (the state was acting as an international police for trade ).
The risks of the market and nature were mitigated with the invention of insurance and the condominium for ships (the c.d. “young” )
The environment was respected (judiciary to the waters) it is managed by (moved the rivers Po, Bacchiglione, made many invaded and reclaimed)
The forestry enriched the mountaineers and ran the mountain like a garden, not the stupid environmentalism that leaves an anthropized environment uncultivated and landslide.
The arts and professions were free, but supervised by unions undergoing magistrates (We invented legally unions and corporations )
In power there was a controlling noble caste (the Great Council) ma il potere vero stava in un organo molto più ampio e pieno di persone capaci e meritevoli del popolo (the Senate, the real responsible governance and foreign relations ) .
The disabled workers enjoyed pension (the mutual) as also the poor could access subsidies.
La città era vigilata e tenuta pulita tramite un misto di obblighi privati e servizio statale , perché fu veneto il primo asporto pubblico di rifiuti come la sanità pubblica.
E’ impossible to place such a system in the categories of the 19th century, ie between liberalism and socialism, or between right and left.
These views are ideological, The Venetian Republic was real and concrete, He tried the best without prejudice.
For example in the 1500s , la diffusione eccessiva della omosessualità non si combatté con la repressione ma con la incentivazione della prostituzione, evidently betting on female qualities. And they got it, as well as healing as well as prostitution.
But unfortunately there was no way to combat the pedophilia of some priests except with condemnation and exclusion, tanto che su questa questione sfidò il papato fino a farsi scomunicare , up having to force the priests to be put to the soldiers, pur di combattere il fenomeno ahimè oggi così diffuso.
He tried to solve problems without ideological quarrels to which we have become accustomed liberals and communists.
Per esempio la condanna dei criminali ricchi veniva a volte trasformata in confino in zone povere e disgraziate in modo da educarli a valori della vita più profondi, and at the same time enriching the populations. Today confinement is used to bribe the people with mafia elements.
Che i principi liberisti o comunisti non funzioni da soli oggi è sotto gli occhi di tutti, and budgets of states, who keep the economic system on its feet with enormous injections of capital like the USSR never did. Il liberismo vincente ha realizzato il comunismo delle élite e la povertà delle masse.
The Venetian Republic that avoided with careful handling and a mix of policies.
Above all, a widespread class very prepared executive, obliged to study, prepare with trips, to change the place of work continuously, in order to avoid cracks, mafias, the gangs, the group furbetti.
Tutto ciò costava, and taxation was not at all low, Rather, forse era fra i paesi più tassati d’Europa, but the results were there.
So those who believe, ignorantly, there were few taxes, He did not understand anything of the Venetian splendor.
The result of this state “ethical” They indicate that the criminals how wrong was that the Venetian people lived in “Well” Common and justice, and that well-being not only the state was social, but people were also free.
If we find a comparison today we should look at the conditions of the Swedish people. Only at that time only the Venetians were living in such conditions. Everywhere there was misery, violence,oppression, injustice, abuse …… opps è l’Italia di oggi.
A realizzare tutto ciò e mantenerlo per secoli fu una certa nobiltà composta anche di non veneziani ma naturalizzati.
Parte della nobiltà Veneziana proveniva semmai dalla isole dell’Adriatico e da Candia (today Crete), as from Byzantium, but also from Italy and perhaps even some Lombards.
He was able to escape from the crisis of Commons with a kind of coup, the “serrata” the Great Council, that excluded the people from decisions (except the confirmation of the Doge) ed in cambio ne garantì il benessere.
There were obviously also the factions between nobles, CON I “Young people” Hey “old people”, the rich and the poor, but the people were always guaranteed maximum possible. So much so that the Venetian people have never learned to do politics, una tara che oggi gli costa la servitù.
Making policy also means eliminating harmful to the common good. That does not happen today among the Venetians, but not even in the rest of Italy, if quietly goes forward in certain bankruptcy .
Warning that did not exist for a noble Venetian caste privilege like today to Italian politicians and magistrates.
There was also assistance for the poor Venetian nobles !
After “serrata” durò per 5 centuries , half a millennium, e purtroppo ad un certo punto venne a mancare il ricambio di qualità della nobiltà, as lacking today in Italy.
The nobles themselves were aware, so much so that just before the fall (1797) an epochal reform of the institutions was completed which introduced a new pervasive element of all secular architecture : the people of elections. The reform was designed and engineered to well 20 years, and ready for implementation, but it was never implemented because of the little fall before, which would have taken even pretend any justification to Napoleon.
All this to say that the Venetians who think today to return to the Venetian Republic as it was, with the same architecture , most likely they do not even know what they're talking.
I do not believe that the Venetians today want a small group of noble male decides the fate of all the people.
Non credo che vogliano che alle donne venete venga tolto la dignità del voto, perché così era nella repubblica veneta.
Occorre dire che il loro ruolo della donna nella cultura veneta è sempre stato importante e tenuto in conto (except under the Italian monarchy). Ma veramente vogliamo togliere oggi la pari dignità legale come fa l’Islam ?
They want the Venetians that some rich families, or groups of people, monitor the fate of the Venetian nation ?
I do not think so, anche se l’Italia di oggi è proprio questo , ancora più indietro di quello che eravamo 500 Years ago.
I really do not think so.
So it is necessary that the Venetians do the values ​​that guided the Venetian Republic's own cultural horizon, but all, including those in which they had arrived from Veneto: elezioni e parità dei sessi.
We must take as an example what did our ancestors, maybe they could even just to match them.
Many of the achievements made by the Venetian Republic are real utopias for the Italian Republic, per esempio la poca corruzione e l’imparzialità della Giustizia che vi regnavano. Not to say state control of money and public debt (now in the hands of private bankers).
Ma questo non ci può far dimenticare che la parità dei sessi è decisamente un valore assoluto non discutibile.
Chi pensa di realizzare il ritorno alla sovranità veneta e la contestuale soppressione dei diritti delle donne, ha già perso, ed io starò con le donne.
Non è una discussione astratta la mia: also between certain Serenissimi, as between certain Catholic, you see in the woman a being to keep at bay, with different human rights.
Quando si chiede il ritorno alla sovranità veneta tal quale era , He asked this: a woman's retreat.
oh God, if we think about all of us are voting today for nothing. Ma non si deve confondere il principio in sé, the right to vote, with its Italian application, che non è certo quella dei paesi civili.
This cultural and philosophical level, but also on the legal.
Indeed, in a sense, fu proprio la nobiltà veneta a “return” power to the people with that act of 12 May 1797. Lo si legga e si vedrà che la nobiltà si dimetteva dal suo ruolo restituendo il potere sequestrato con la serrata del 1200. sure, it was not a free act since otherwise Napoleon would have destroyed the city. And do not go back on the issue of quorum, that did not exist (mi correggerò se qualcuno dimostra il contrario con la legge che lo imponeva: It did not exist).
But at the same time the act of 12 May was “betrayal” of the Veneto State by the Nobility, che rinunciò alla difesa dello Stato, crime of cowardice. Per altro fu proprio una parte della Nobiltà veneta a tradire il popolo : per questi motivi la nobiltà non rinascerà. Rather, non solo non ci sono più gli elenchi dei nobili (l’Albo d’Oro) , ma molto probabilmente non ci sono più veneti nobili secondo le regole di successione in quanto era imposto che anche la madre lo fosse.
However in the meantime the Venetian people had the right to elections, and the right to decide their future (the right to self-government), che è diventato patrimonio legale internazionale di ogni popolo . Negare questo sarebbe come chiedere il ripristino della schiavitù.
Rather, the Venetians of today recall it to have sovereignty, inappropriately talk about it for an alleged referendum.
These rights were not provided by the Venetian Republic, Rather, they were denied by the nobility.
At the time of the Venetian Republic were the peoples of the land, and the territory was bought and sold by the nobles as any object, with people inside. Per esempio la Repubblica Veneta comperò la Dalmazia, like Cyprus, giving in exchange for money or other land.
So if you want the Venetian republic as it was, si deve accettare che essa si regalò all’invasore per mezzo dei nobili.
And the new boss, Napoleon, la smembrò e ne fece ciò che voleva.
Quando poi si restaurò il tutto, a Vienna, il popolo veneto non ebbe parola perché altri erano i padroni.
Only later did the Venetian people have the right to express their will.
If you accept that there was the right of the Venetian people to decide their own destiny, allora si può pretendere la sovranità a partire dal passaggio del 1866, but with the idea that there was a right of the Venetian people, non della nobiltà o di qualche mentecatto che si dichiara Doge oggi.
In particular females who today want to go back to the Venetian Republic as it was, Male I say that the rules of the Venetian republic they should sit silent in political matters, They can not claim to have the word ! (but I am “feminist” ). And there was also a well-known serenissimo who told me that for him the woman should be essentially taken into account for the reproduction and not for the vote.
They are theoretical discussions, perché legalmente la Repubblica Veneta è stata trasformata in uno stato che prevedeva le elezioni di popolo, albeit limited to those who could pay for the right to vote.
The Venetian people has, for international law, diritto alle elezioni e io non discuterò su questo , è del tutto deficiente farlo.
L’ho già detto: purtroppo sul piano del diritto di risarcimento non è possibile tornare legalmente alla Repubblica Veneta tal quale, purtroppo perché il risarcimento sarebbe enorme.
But can we get back to the state that in the meantime it was transformed , state succession, Lombardy and Veneto, which it offers the advantage-disadvantage of the people elections (Also the females of course) moreover violated in 1866.
And in this I feel very Venetian , perché era quello che voleva la stessa repubblica veneta , the duration reform 20 years was about to launch its own elections.
Given this pragmatic and thus optical Venetian, c’è chi oggi pensa a dichiararsi Doge o capo della chiesa Marciana.
There seems to be who is illuminated every night from San Marco, ordering him to restore the church “copta” (!).
Not only, We even least 3 self-proclaimed Dogi, and even an Opus Dei lawyer who gets the papers signed to be the holder of all powers, perhaps you are having to do the bidding of his Freemasonry to the Vatican account …..
And not counting those boasting noble descent would be recognized only allowed to Dogado ….
Io non discuto su queste cose non più di questa paginetta. I think it's a little’ difficult to think back to the Venetian Republic as it is, if not silly given the social conditions. They say that politics is the art of the possible.
E dato che sopratutto non è legalmente possibile tornare alla repubblica veneta, mi pare che chi persegue questa via sia più che altro un perditempo per sé e chi gli sta intorno.
La repubblica è l’orizzonte culturale, not the legal one.
L’unica via di sovranità legale, that can, As I say to 14 years, and one that I myself have started in 1999 with the self-government of the Veneto people, become in 2006 successor of the Lombardo-Veneto (ie the Venetian Republic), at least according to the laws in force today and according to international rules. Then if someone appears San Marco ….. I stop.
Who does not understand that among many “venetisti” There are also marginalized, demented, stoned and criminals, certamente non è degno di governare .
I am proposing the only possible way, and who does not follow me or worse defames, He is only doing harm to the Venetian, the Venetian people.
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