Referendums of Veneto and Lombardy have international value, because this had been Venetian land for several centuries.
Speaking of the coming referendum 22 October 2017, Salvini said that these referendums of Lombardy and Veneto will not question whether these territories belong to Italy. This was echoed by Zaia, saying that there is nothing as dangerous as in the Catalan question.
Salvini has always said that Italy is a wonderful country of which the unit must be saved, and spoke (advertising in a manner) of the vote “Lombardo-Veneto”.
They agreed that these do not speak at all regional votes for independence, And they are not dangerous for the unification of Italy. For the same reason they do not solve the problem of 1866 which will remain to be resolved even after this vote. What problem ?
According to the Treaty of Vienna 3 October, THE 22 October 1866 All the Lombard Veneto had to vote on the annexation to the Kingdom of Italy or for independence, but in 2006 I raised the issue that the treaty was violated in many places. One point is that Lombardy has never voted for annexation to Italy, and he would have to do it together with the Veneto, then also comprising the Friuli and in Mantova. The Italian Government, in conclusion, violating the Treaty, He did not vote for Lombardy's whole thinking that the fact that he had from 1861. But no, It was not a legal possession and it is not even today, And it will never be until an independent and sovereign government of Lombardy-Veneto will be able to carry it out a vote of the only entitled.
Another point that invalidates the vote of 1866 E’ that to vote in Veneto and Mantua actually in 1866 Italian soldiers were, and in large numbers, without having the right, What I have raised around 2006-2007.
Therefore the annexation of the 1866 it is absolutely not valid, Also because the populations should have chosen between independence and the dominion of the Savoy, And this in the card was not written.
in 2008 We have given the Council of Europe the problem, and the Italian State 2010 canceled the annexation of the 1866. Unfortunately, the appeal in the Council of Europe was lost for the inherent of a certain Quaglia Daniele, that if at least did not you ever tell taken 30 denier.
This same question will be examined by the Constitutional Court in December 2017, When deciding on the national minority rights of the Veneto people recognized by law n ° 28 of 2016, of which I am the father. The question will basically be: It can also be legally present in the territory in the territory even special forms of autonomy and the recognition of their language and identity to that people who have been agreed at the time by force and with deception ?
These referendum 2017 they have nothing to do with these issues and with the vote of the Lombardo-Veneto 1866, this Salvini made a reference that does not involve any real substance, It is certainly only an advertising expression.
In fact, these referendums have no value in the sense of independence, They can not correct the missed free vote of 1866 because they cannot at all determine the independence of the Lombard-Veneto as instead will have to allow the vote as required by the Treaty of 1866. Also lacking in these referendum 2017 the requirement of freedom because a government without legitimacy organized them, better say it clearly, abusive, even under domestic law fear.
So what to think of the fact that the national unity is named in Lombardy in Lombardy?
The question of Lombardy is in fact:
“Do you wish that Lombardy Region, In consideration of its specialty, in the context of the national unity, undertakes the institutional initiatives necessary to request the State the attribution of further forms and particular conditions of autonomy, along with its resources, Pursuant to and for the purposes of the article 116, third paragraph, of the Constitution and with reference to any legislative matters for which this procedure is admitted on the basis of the aforementioned article?”
As said the passage “in the context of the national unity” The failure to vote of the 1866, because this referendum cannot determine independence if it lost: Citizens of the Region will not vote for independence or annexation, only a maggiora internal autonomy.
E’ The point is interesting on this, highlighted by Maroni, of the “specialty” appointed by the question authorized by the Government. The Veneto has not appointed the “specialty” in question, But he has it by virtue of the regional law 28 of the 2016 that identifies the Venetians in the ethnic sense (not to be confused with residents) and it recognizes the special rights of national minorities in the international sense. Therefore the Venetians have this specialty in an ethnic and international sense, much stronger than a self-affirmed specialty.
An abusive government in a territory can do all the plebiscites or referendums she wants, But they are not valid for international law because it is not the legitimate government that organizes them.
Both the residents of Veneto and those of Lombardy will vote only to see if the Italian government will want “grant” these “regions” the delegation of certain functions, Salvini himself has listed, and they are written in the Constitution. For example, they do not include its own currency, therefore independence is excluded.
Once the government has agreed to give skills, It will also take the vote of the Parliament by absolute majority. Who will ask himself: what would be the specialty that would give to these regions the right to these autonomies? Because Parliament should give the Venetians, to Mantovani and the Insubri greater autonomy ? Because the government of Rome should never yield “power” to the regions?
The only motivation is the date of Salvini: Public management will cost’ less.
Well, I say. But it will cost’ not to those who ? The good Venetians and Lombards spend less to do public works, I bet this, but it is not foreseen by the Constitution that the savings are left to the residents of Lombardy and Veneto. Parliament will probably invoke the “equalization” leaving little or no savings to the virtuous citizens, And in the end, Rome will have the greatest advantage of it.
Therefore wrong to oppose this referendum the Communists, Socialists and other, Because precisely for the interests of Rome this kind of autonomy is better than keeping the wheelchairs at the current level of corruption.
The important thing is that even the autonomists do not fantasize too much on the alleged benefits, because they are not at all discounted.
If you get to the conferment of subjects, After long struggle, The regions concerned will become much more “grosse” just in the business and productive organization that represents these entities and is directed by the Government of indications of Regional Councils. Their budget will grow, maybe it will double. There will probably be more efficiency. Certainly the new skills will lead to a fresh look also at 117 Cost. that already predict the competing subjects that the Regions have not exploited almost at all.
But it is not expected that these referendums will bring for example the’ autonomy to schools that they can make bilingualism.
For example, there will be no interference on the appointment of the prefects or judges who will remain decided from Rome. There will be no, for example, Reserved seats in the state apparatus to Venetians, Mantovani and Insubri.
Perhaps the regions will be able to reclaim the theft of competitions in certain matters, but then again,already provided for by the Constitution.
Unfortunately, tax autonomy is not expected which is the one that directly affects citizens.
We'll see if and when the results will come, and which will’ the net balance.
Fortunately, in parallel to all this there is the Venetian regional law 28 of the 2016, that if it is saved it will give that specificity and additional autonomies that are true interest of the Venetians, for the preservation of their language, identity and also with important economic repercussions in their pockets. And the necessary foundation for other autonomies.
So must all go to vote “AND” this opinion poll “Policy” on autonomy, I just know that this vote does not have international value and does not speak of independence.