1. ernesto brando
    11 April 2009 @ 12:36

    Unfortunately, I am only reading this sheet of yours today.
    E’ full of inaccuracies I hope, abbia già avuto l’accortezza di correggere.
    Naples would like to separate. For years we have been asking for the departure of a Porta A Porta collection.
    Ma la politica impone a questa città , come amministratore delegato dell’Asìa (società di raccolta rifiuti), a gentleman who responds to the name of DANIELE FORTINI. He is the president of FederAmbiente, l’associazione rappresentativa degli industriali dell’incenerimento.
    then, the one who should recover material from waste and reduce its volumes, he is the one who should ensure that he has as much material to burn as possible.
    In Campania, in Naples in particular, to a single neighborhood (what a mortification!) has been “granted” to do the Porta a Porta, and here we have reached beyond the 70%, in spite of commonplaces (where his writing is anyway “intinto”).
    But ask Fortini to manage a serious collection for the recovery of materials, è come chiedere alla Fiat di pedonalizzare le città . E’ a full conflict of interest, in which the prevalent is the one on which you profit more (thanks to the infamous CIP6, tariff of 7% su tutte le bollette elettriche di tutt’italia, given to those who burn oil waste - read moratti- and / or waste - reads A2A again by moratti or Hera by Coop Emiliane).

    But these things are easy to omit. How the raped girl has always had to defend herself against accusations of wearing too much clothes “provocative”, So the “Neapolitan” he must defend himself from the accusations despite having been forced to undergo non-existent emergencies, and voluntary omissions in essential services.
    I invite her (se vorrà anche attraverso il sito del Forum Rifiuti Campania, civic forum of which I put the link) to better document themselves before formulating theses based more on preconceptions and on pre-packaged information by “rapists”. The result is a much more useful service.


  2. daniele della rocca
    18 January 2009 @ 17:01

    About the mice problem in Salerno, I invite those who want to know more to go and visit the site “LA SALERNO
    It is possible to find a timely chronicle of the facts mentioned here and a collection of photos.


  3. daniele della rocca
    10 January 2009 @ 18:59

    In Salerno, the mice slip into the doors of the condominiums, attracted
    from the smell of garbage cans, that De Luca obliges to
    hide so as not to show the rubbish. I also did the
    photography (after he was killed by some citizen):
    I am referring to a mouse, not to the mayor.


  4. daniele della rocca
    31 December 2008 @ 19:28

    About the recent statements of the mayor De Luca I would like to say my opinion.
    Salerno is worse than Naples: Pharaonic public works are continuously contracted and never completed.
    Just see the much trumpeted underground, that after ten years of work (and an influx of funding), si riduce a tutt’oggi (31 DECEMBER 2008) at an intermediate stop between Salerno station and the first station north of Salerno, that is Vietri sul Mare: THE
    train, percorrendo una linea che esiste già da 50 years, passes under a tunnel which is none other than the old one
    railway trench, covered 15 anni fa dall’infaticabile Sindaco per costruire un parcheggio, and continues its race towards… Naples.
    But Vincenzo De Luca is a repeat offender. Sempre a lui vanno ascritti capolavori come l’aeroporto fantasma, l’acquedotto ch fa acqua da tutte le parti e la
    notorious separate collection, which served to remove the garbage from the streets, but to close it in homes, looking forward to promoting the next business: the manufacture of an incinerator, which gathers around itself the interest of an organized business committee, is that, Not the case, to make us forget many contradictions, tira in ballo nobili motivi e bacchetta chiunque non finge di lodare l’niziativa.
    It is humanly impossible not to be shaken even for a moment by a little doubt about the real good faith of those who do all this.
    In a "normal" country a man like Vincenzo De Luca would no longer be in his place for a long time. So it would be very timely
    una commissione parlamentare d’inchiesta affinchè indaghi sull’attivismo di questo professionista della politica.
    Invito chi che leggerà questa notizia a pubblicizzarla il più possibile.
    daniele della rocca


  5. daniele della rocca
    8 November 2008 @ 23:07

    Quando nell’800 a Londra si moriva di colera, new sewers were built. In Salerno, instead, sono stati investi milioni di euro per nascondere agli occhi dell’opinione pubblica nazionale il problema dello smaltimento (and I repeat DISPOSAL) of municipal waste.
    Quanto è costata agli utenti la rimozione dei vecchi cassonetti da parte dell’amministrazione De Luca? There was no need to adjust the services, strengthening them in proportion to the concrete needs of a catchment area of 150.000 unit ?
    Of course, it is much easier to flatter fools by trumpeting absurd promises, e dare dignità a operazioni (speculative?) che di dignità non ne hanno neppure un grammo, invoking the civic sense, etc. etc. etc. etc.…
    From the time of Craxi, when highways were built that led into cornfields, we had deluded ourselves that such practices were abandoned: instead it is not so.
    We can only hope that, who triggered this situation to the detriment of the population, by dint of pulling the rope you break it and finally it falls, taking all its associates with it.
    daniele della rocca


  6. daniele della rocca
    7 November 2008 @ 09:40

    The separate collection of garbage is the latest propaganda gimmick by VINCENZO DE LUCA to remain firmly attached to his chair as mayor. Rather, now he even aspires to the post of governor of the region. But the whole story is a colossal scam, because if Salerno seems (and I repeat it SEEMS) clean is only because despite all the funding requested and obtained to orchestrate this drama, the garbage is locked up in the homes of citizens. Il senso di civiltà che viene più volte evocato (out of turn) it does not have anything to do with it: the real problem lies in the organizational inefficiency of the Municipality, more interested in promoting the new incinerator than in providing an adequate service to a catchment area of 150.000 unit .
    Vincenzo De Luca is a phenomenon in terms of similar "sleight of hand": just think that in ten years he has managed to excise the whole of Italy that there is the subway in Salerno, mentre in realtà c’è solo una fermata intermedia fra la stazione principale e una stazione a nord della città , which, moreover, has been in decommissioning since 2002.
    Citizens, however, do not know or do not yet understand many things, and they accept everything by applauding, as in the NERONE speck by ETTORE PETROLINI. Last evening, from a huge screen, De Luca harangued the crowd promising the moon: people walked with their noses in the air to look at the colored lights of the Christmas party (which here begins three months earlier!!) reporters from local television stations filmed everything with cameras. Quando vi capiterà di vedere queste scene in tv o sui giornali, don't fall for it: it's just smoke in the eyes.
    in a "normal" country such an individual would be in jail. the Judiciary, usually so diligent, she does not feel urged to investigate? a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the activism of this gentleman and his henchmen would be most appropriate.
    daniele della rocca


  7. daniele della rocca
    21 September 2008 @ 19:25

    The garbage problem seems to exist only because people empty their garbage. in reality , inside and outside the institutions, there are subjects who speculate on this fact, turning it into a business. For years Salerno has lived drowned in garbage as and worse than Naples.
    Over the span of two decades, hundreds of bins for separate collection of municipal waste were first distributed throughout the area and then left to rot in the neglect of those who would have had to manage and increase this service.
    In Naples it ended with a popular uprising, which caused the fall of a political class; In Salerno, instead, the mayor Vincenzo De Luca, the only real responsible for this situation, he ended the crisis and saved his chair, reinventing separate collection in order to oblige citizens to keep rubbish in their homes, in order to dispose of it in small doses, Every other day. So the garbage disappeared from the streets, at least until the next business, or the construction of a gigantic incinerator: a nice bone to flesh out with many dogs around.
    but yet ( abnormal thing! ) there are those who praise the plan, without being shaken even for a moment by a small doubt about the good faith of those who created it, o per lo meno circa le sue reali capacità di amministratore. Evidently, people have forgotten the numerous cathedrals in the desert supported during the arc of his political career by the excellent De Luca, who until recently still trumpeted the construction of a subway, while Salerno was gradually emerging from the main rail links with Rome and Milan.
    in a "normal" country Vincenzo De Luca would no longer be in his place, but in jail. the Judiciary, usually so diligent, she does not feel urged to investigate? a parliamentary commission of inquiry would be very appropriate
    on the initiatives of this gentleman.
    I invite all those who read this news to advertise it as much as possible.
    daniele della rocca


  8. daniele della rocca
    23 August 2008 @ 16:19

    enough of the euphemisms
    what happens in Salerno has only one person in charge: the mayor Vincenzo De Luca.
    for over 10 years the people of Salerno have subjected themselves to spartanly doing their duty, putting away, with care and civic sense, the waste accumulated in the special bins.
    but nevertheless, Salerno remains a dunghill, because the accumulated rubbish is not disposed of properly, both due to the lack of specific programs and adequate structures.
    in Naples, a similar situation resulted in a revolt, which caused the fall (deserved) of a political class. In Salerno, instead, il sindaco De Luca ha salvato la propria poltrona reinventando ciò che già esisteva (maybe it was enough to make it work better).
    today, therefore, dalle strade della città la spazzatura è sparita (so to speak) just because it, By law, it is kept closed in the houses.
    at least until the next business, or the construction of a gigantic incinerator: a nice bone to flesh out with many dogs around.
    but is that possible, while in Naples, in un soprassalto di dignità , citizenship has made its voice heard, here the real person responsible for the problem rises to the rank of hero.
    perhaps people have a short memory and forget the numerous cathedrals in the desert supported in the last three decades by De Luca, like the famous subway, that while it was being built (and never completed) vedeva la città emerginata dai principali collegamenti ferroviari con Roma e Milano.
    I invite all those who read this news to advertise it as much as possible.
    daniele della rocca


  9. daniele della rocca
    13 July 2008 @ 20:35

    Those who thought that the waste situation in Naples was serious did not yet know what would happen in Salerno. One day the mayor Vincenzo De Luca (a communist identical in all respects to his political rivals) he trumpeted that there would be no litter on the streets with him. And indeed, Now, with the excuse of unrealistic and propaganda separate collection, the garbage makes us keep it at home, allowing us to dispose of it in very small doses, Every other day.
    in reality , in Salerno there has been separate collection for over ten years. What never existed (and it still does not exist) is a targeted waste absorption program through facilities suitable for this purpose: there are no incinerators, non si sa se e quando se ne farà concretamente uno, landfills are insufficient. Ma la colpa di questo degrado è di chi ha governato la città negli ultimi 15 years, certainly not of ordinary people, che piuttosto si è sempre assoggettata a tutte le novità del momento (even too much).
    Wanting to use a metaphor, we could say that the excellent mayor did like that crafty maid, that hid the dust under the carpet, in defiance of his employers (which in this case are the citizens): nobody sees anything, everything looks beautiful, and some naive compliments us as well.

    P.S.: Vincenzo De Luca è lo stesso che costruiva tutt’intorno fontanine decorative, while the urban water network fell apart, con la conseguenza che spesso e volentieri oggi manca l’acqua nelle case.
    P.P.S.: De Luca is the same one who also wanted to build a phantom underground line, while the station of Salerno, in fact, it was gradually cut off from numerous connections with Rome and Milan.

    daniele della rocca


  10. Diego Di Giuseppe
    23 January 2008 @ 18:07

    Dear Loris Palmerini. Come ricorderà , scrivo da L’Essenzialeonline, an information site of the province of Salerno. I got to publish the opinions he sends us several times and, I did not fail to congratulate you on the ideas expressed. Now, mi preme fare qualche appunto sull’ultima sua opinione. Adesso dirà : “this is Campania, mi farà la solfa su chissà che argomenti, justifying his people with the sword and taking it out on individual administrators”. Instead, I will try to be less predictable. First of all, I would like to mention two examples of administrators from your region: such Luca Zaia, vice president of Veneto, that was produced in these spectacular statements: “I'm packing my bags to personally go to Germany, dove avevamo già programmato una campagna di promozione con presenze alle maggiori fiere turistiche internazionali tedesche. Ci andrò per sostenere direttamente l’immagine del Veneto presso gli operatori turistici di quel paese, to which I will have to explain that Veneto is not Campania, and that we are cleansing, recycling, a functioning waste management service that is also economically viable, oltre ad un’offerta di ospitalità e di enogastronomia al massimo livello”; then, with much more foresight, Giancarlo Galan, president of the region, who stated: “The disaster in Naples and part of Campania has some responsible, cui dovremmo far pagare il danno che hanno causato al loro territorio e all’intero Paese. Fortunately in Campania, for example in Salerno and its surroundings, there are excellent cases of virtuous administration and this should give the citizens of Naples hope for the best, in the sense that it is possible to be reborn. What we want to do, quello che dovrebbe fare subito il Ministro Rutelli è di promuovere una campagna per sostenere fortemente l’offerta turistica italiana”. Two things emerge from these statements: first of all that Mr. Zaia, he would do well to learn that Campania is made up of ben 5 capitals (perhaps not everyone knows). To assimilate beyond 13.500 square km, to the surface of Naples alone (as soon as 1.171) is, to say little, a blasphemy; Moreover, as President Galan rightly points out, There are virtuous cases in Campania that would do well to be taken as an example. I live in the province of Salerno e, I assure you, le nostre strade non hanno mai vissuto l’emergenza che tanto si vuole far credere alla nazione. We have been carrying out separate waste collection for years and with us, diversi comuni dell’avellinese, which remains a very clean and well-administered territory. To this is added that the provinces of Benevento and Caserta, they are making great strides in waste sorting, oltre a considerare delle realtà del napoletano che, grazie a un’amministrazione comunale oculata, they are distinguished from the capital.
    Riguardo ciò che lei dice nell’opinione, I fully agree that, a problem specific to one region should not be passed on to the others. However, lei converrà con me che, with the so-called system of local autonomies, even virtuous provinces like ours, they should return to the sender the rubbish that for years they have stuck to us from other areas. I only mention the names of two landfills: Parapoti and Macchia Soprana. Landfills that have been closed and reopened, saturated with waste not from their own province e, whatever people say, full of special waste from industries “occult”. Whether they are from the north or not, it is enough to have listened to the statements of Minister Bersani a few nights ago, per conoscere che almeno la metà di tali “specialty ” they came from the Lombardy region…
    He is right to say that the people in Campania do not undertake to differentiate and that this is a problem that adds to the incompetence of the administrations. But if people don't differentiate, and also because, a lot of times, we experienced the phenomenon of separate collection that was mixed. Too many, Indeed, the dark strategies of certain "companies", ready to accumulate and dispose of materials with quick methods to say the least, stretching envelopes, certainly not garbage, to the politician on duty. Perhaps it is precisely for this reason that Bassolino remains as president of the region. E, more serious, that the government does not intervene with the right countermeasures.
    Certain areas of Campania, more than a hostage of garbage, I am a hostage of the Camorra! The management of various businesses, even where it is the competence of the Region or, even the government, è in mano alla criminalità (the Salerno-Reggio Calabria is the most striking example of this). It would not be explained, Otherwise, the total absence of waste-to-energy plants in Campania , when several administrations have been claiming them for a decade. It is much simpler, for the aforementioned "companies", import tons of waste of all kinds and from everywhere, with huge illegal earnings, instead of choosing the simpler and much less profitable policy of smart disposal.
    With this I do not want to condemn who at all, In the north of Italy, kindly tells us to keep our "garbage". This state of affairs, it is also the result of years and years of poor ecological culture and very little love for their land, as well as creeping misrule. On this, all of us Campania should do a huge mea culpa.
    However, I wanted to make some clarifications. Because Campania is absolutely not this. Fortunately, many know this and, i hope, so many others learn it too.

    A note: if there is a blog or an address of the ineffable Luca Zaia, me signals, kindly. I would just like to remind him that, se il Veneto possiede “un’offerta di ospitalità e di enogastronomia al massimo livello”, the Campania, in terms of history, Culture, ospitalità e, mostly, food and wine, it is perhaps the largest representative of Italy in the world.

    A cordial greeting and thanks for your contribution

    Diego Di Giuseppe


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