He invented the machine that sees tumors: They accuse him of witchcraft
A long tube 30 cm that allows you to discover the tumors soon begin to form. An electromagnetic probe which sees any tissue inflammation. An exam that lasts just 2-3 minutes, non è invasivo, It does not cause pain or discomfort to the patient, and provide immediate response. A harmless test, ripetibile all’infinito e senza togliersi i vestiti, which it has a diagnostic accuracy at a minimum of 70% MA, If you performed by expert hands, può arrivare anche al 100% di attendibilità. A revolutionary tool, space-saving, portable, che si può usare ovunque e che non necessita di mezzi di contrasto radioattivi, photographic plates or other consumable. Un’apparecchiatura che si compra, indeed they bought, with 43.000 euro più Iva, against 3-4 million euro of a MRI machine, I 2 Pet a million and a million and a half of a Tac, tutt’e tre con costi di gestione elevatissimi.
Allora chi e perché ha paura del bioscanner, TRIMprob trade name? Certainly not the potential patients, that could find time for illness. Not the Ministry of Health, and it inserted in the repertory of medical devices by the National Health Service.
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