In the regulation of the Regions the “green pass” It's useless. And the mask is mandatory when you are spaced out in the square?
I read from the Lines guide for the resumption of economic and social activities of the regions concerning the “coronavirus SARS-CoV-2” dated Rome, 20 May 2021 to page 2.
7. [..] in consideration of the international scientific indications that do not exclude the possibility that the vaccinated subject could get infected, without developing the disease, and spread the contagion, it is believed that at present the possession and presentation of vaccination certifications does not replace compliance with the measures to prevent and combat the spread of the infection such as interpersonal distancing, the use of the mask, the sanitation of hands and surfaces.
Practically, it is admitted that vaccinated people can get sick too, even asymptomatically (but in the UK the 70% of the hospitalized are vaccinated), and they can be contagious, so they must maintain the same security measures (masks, spacing etc.) unvaccinated. The vaccinated card “green pass” so what is it for ?
Above all, do not think the vaccinated to do a collective good to vaccinate, Rather, being a possible asymptomatic patient makes him more dangerous due to the widespread false belief that being vaccinated means being immune and less contagious.
Usually, in the open areas of hotels, Tourist-accommodation facilities, restaurants, etc. in the open air IS NOT’ mandatory for customers to use the mask when it can be maintained 1 meter away, especially if seated at the table, but as usual there are some absurdities for example :
– in bar, restaurants, hotels and more, you can sit outdoors without a mask while keeping a distance of one meter with those from another family unit, but not in cinemas and open-air theaters where the mask must always be worn
– you can have lunch without a mask outdoors spaced out on the beaches, countryside, hills and mountains, but not above 3000 meters (it's too windy compared to the beaches?)
– in cinemas and theaters indoors you can sit with appropriate spacing and mask, and distances can be reduced with separator panels, as long as the windows are kept open (as if a window worked better than an engineered ventilation system!) but the same thing is not possible in restaurants and bars even when wearing a mask, except when the weather is really bad, then you can.
– for some reason in the practice of dance “the main contagion prevention measures (spacing, hand and surface hygiene and the prevention of droplet dispersion through the use of masks and visors) they are difficult to implement” , better devote to something else
– the mask is also mandatory in parks and areas equipped with games for children, even public ones, and municipalities must “Ensure thorough cleaning of areas and equipment, preferably daily or with an appropriate frequency with respect to the intensity of use; if adequate cleaning of the equipment is not possible, their use cannot be allowed”
– all activities , including beaches, circles, hostels etc must “Maintain a log of daily attendance to be kept for a duration of 14 days”, but you are not obliged to have theme parks and restaurants for those who do not book.
On the other hand, it seems to me that in the expression “physical barriers, also furniture, adequate to prevent contagion through droplets” transparent wearable visors that adequately wrap the mouth can be fully included, thus making it possible in fact to return to full concerts and shows albeit with some more ventilation.
I did not find in this document any obligation to wear a mask when walking alone or with family in squares and streets, that is, when they are at least one meter apart.
In short, there is no lack of the usual logical and scientific contradictions that show the political nature and of “great renovation” who has this pandemic.