1. paron
    18 May 2015 @ 11:20

    Hello Marco. Sure you can, but it would be absolutely useless. Infatti io l’ho fatto per anni, uselessly, starting with the 1996, you see the coup dossier . Catching up on complaints , assuming you can find a judge willing to go against the regime, and a lawyer to exposing themselves to professional retaliation, cause only a autoassolvimento action of the regime through decriminalization, the statute of limitations reductions, or generalized amnesties with release also addicts, drug dealers, pedophilia, scammers etc.. D’altra parte sono pochi ma diversi i magistrati che ci hanno provato, and the system has purged them. See for example the report pointed at the court of auditors. Il regime è in raltà controllato dai padroni del debito, usurers, that hold in bondage the country that they themselves have created, leggi le mie pagine sulla storia d’Italia per scoprirlo. Of course they take care to make you believe you are in a democracy and in a state of law, which is absolutely false. Your proposal departs from still believe in this illusion, I had up to about 12 Years ago. L’unica azione che possiamo realmente sperare di realizzare è il “reset” del sistema con l’annullamento dell’unità d’Italia, PUBLIC DEBT, and the return to the pre-unification states. Write me if you are interested.


  2. Marco
    11 January 2015 @ 20:20

    hello Loris but you can not’ fare un comitato e con l’aiuto di un buon avvocato fare la denuncia e intraprendere vie legali contro queste persone?


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