1. mario cue
    19 May 2013 @ 10:19

    Dear Loris,I share your analysis and mention a wise proverb that says :a tree does not fall with one shot,anche se come sappiamo è l’ultimo a farlo cadere,courage and patience and praise to those who contribute to demolish this caste ,now shameful and outlawed for many years,we start with honest people ,sicuramente saremo a metà dell’opera,voglio anche ringraziarti per l’impegno che da anni stai mettendo a favore dei nostri diritti ,Thank you and best of luck


  2. Luigi
    23 February 2013 @ 13:58

    Speaking of Italy… free and democratic that its citizens, I ask:
    E’ It ascertained that really want it united and indivisible was the Italian people, if not’ NEVER NEVER BEEN NATO and then ..? Ovviamente se uno non nasce non ha sovranita’.

    How many have labored to make it and make it indivisible ..? And why’ indivisible if the people and’ King said ..?

    In those who died for the cravings of others ..?

    L’e’ surest, if you attend the schools of the tricolor, TO DO THE ITALIANS, cabbage that we go out… At least, I say, get closer to the truth’ since we can not have it.

    There is talk of independence; macro region; of autonomy; self-determination; of secession; of Padania; a lot of things that do not lead to CONCLUSION.

    Why’ all this CONFUSION ..?

    Sara’ Why’ We robbed us of all we are genuine confusion ..?

    If everyone was Italian there would be the problem of esternarlo every second minute and every hour of every day and the years ..???

    If I have a carboy and there we put prosecco… if the change from carboy bottles… changes something by accident ..?
    is but’ I vinegar… will pass’ RABOSO to change if the container ..?

    So’ They made us existing peoples before the state Italy.

    Servirebbero le multi commemorazioni e di questo e dell’altro evento per IMBROGLIARCI e per farci stare BUONI E ZITTI..??

    Dear ever sovereign states and least sapiens (even if it goes to the moon) I learn to read the facts or succumb ..!

    A LB states in this regard:
    we learn to read the facts not to succumb.
    Not to be right.
    But only not to succumb.


    Grillo o chi per lui non riusciranno a fare l’italia e gli italiani..!
    Unless a great MIRACLE ..!


  3. Chicco
    23 February 2013 @ 07:25

    Sono d’accordo su tutto e su tutti i comenti…………however, if at least we could eliminate some bureaucracy and then delete the power to those feeding and manages this creating all those negative phenomena (corruption, mafia, privileges to the usual “known” and so forth) Perhaps our lives, with a little more justice could really change.


  4. Miclos
    22 February 2013 @ 18:42

    I appreciate your fine article, but I do some considerations:
    1) Grillo is a leading sui generis, he has always publicly stated a spokesperson, non andrà in Parlamento ma ci andranno dei semplici cittadini, some of which have high professional competence, others will soon learn how the parliamentary mechanisms
    2) nel tuo articolo non si parla dell’idea di nuova Europoa dei popoli preconizzata da Grillo in luogo dell’Europa dei finanzieri e delle lobby
    3) Grillo is wrong when he says that all parties are composed of corrupt bureaucrats and without any popular support. Anche nei partiti tradizionali c’è una minoranza di onesti ( la quasi totalità nel partito Radicale, that despite being a small party it has strong roots in the liberal and libertarian andOld of this country), and squares still fill in the elections of charismatic leaders of political parties and big unions
    4) I disagree with your statement on public employees. If it is true that there are sectors with excess staff, it is equally true that shortage of nurses in many hospitals, the social workers in many municipalities, the financiers to make a carpet checks on tax evaders, teachers for substitutes, etc.. The problem is the maldistribution, not the number of civil servants
    5) if it is true that there are many fake invalids is equally true that the real ones acompagnamento the checks were cut, subsidies for families, tanto che le stesse hanno più volte manifestato per rivendicare i loro sacrosanti diritti all’assistenza dei loro congiunti diversamente abili o totalmente disabili
    6) nobody talks, even Grillo, the shame of the fees received by certain TV characters, by players, by presenters and so on. E’ simply disgraceful that a coduttore Sanremo perceive 600.000 euro for four nights, which it is made possible by the fact that millions of viewers are glued to the television to follow the festival
    7) nessuno parla della pubblicità . E’ a big businnes, affects all media, public and private, pollutes the minds of viewers; d’altra parte l’incremento del fatturato per le imprese pubblicizzate dai networks in Italia non supera il 2%. Furthermore, not everyone knows that companies can deduct the 100% delle spese pubblicitarie ai sensi dell’art. 108 the Income Tax Code; it does not take Einstein to figure out who ultimately pays for the advertising and the media.
    I apologize for the length of this comment, but I could not be more synthetic than that.


  5. Carlo De Paoli
    22 February 2013 @ 18:20

    Mi è piaciuta la disamina della attuale situazione dell’Italia e concordo con Loris circa il fatto che questo Paese è ormai arrivato al capolinea.
    From newspapers today we learn that the “house” Agnelli is under the magnifying glass of the Guardia di Finanza “suppository” tax evasion.
    The Agnelli represented, in this republican regime, the monarchy in Italy.
    Per decenni l’Avvocato è riuscito, He is having on its payroll whole Parliament, not to pay, for extended periods, even salaries to its employees: (layoffs).
    His company, every year, He declared balanced budgets except in loss, so he does not even paying taxes.
    Now we learn that the members of his family are held, in the Italian courts, l’eredità che Giovanni ha disseminato, in the form of liquid capital, (billion €, Naturally), in banks of countries of “remittances” millionaires live.
    John can not testify against her “employees”: quelli del Parlamento che prendevano più soldi da Lui di quanti ne pagasse sempre l’Avvocato agli altri suoi dipendenti: those on the assembly line.
    This shows, in my opinion, che i “Patti” between Caste and the Head of the Company, the lack of John, -direct witness- They have no value.
    The ancients “served” non si sentono più vincolati all’impegno assunto con l’Avocato: “Who had had those data gave”.
    And if Agnelli … What can expect all the other entrepreneurs who have “Patti” analogues with the parties?
    Unless …. are not BANKS!


  6. Luigi
    22 February 2013 @ 18:12

    Allow me to take action on the comments of Ubaldo Cross,
    sono d’accordo con Loris quando afferma che l’italia e’ over, perhaps not’ mai nata, ma non sono d’accordo con il discorso fatto da Ubaldo.
    Venetian We do not want to be Italian. They were forced to be.
    then, talk about freedom’ rifacendo l’errore di gran figli di buona donna di 150 years ago it is very irritating.
    Ovviamente rispetto l’idea altrui, but will not serve other mica 150 anni ‘italia unita per dire che ‘ IMPOSSIBLE stand united and that goes remade, attempted, the speech to be INDEPENDENT ..??
    So you can avail’ mention being and FREE DEMOCRATS.

    Non mi piace molto l’idea di rifare l’italia. It sucks ow and after ..??

    With the same Italian What ever sortira’ if not the same sucks ..??

    Forgive me if I'm so’ a bit’ the sarcastic… I just hope no one be offended for my ideas PEACEFUL.

    I declare myself a pacifist always so.

    Pero’, non possiamo prenderle sempre anche con l’idea di rifare lo sgorbio chiamato italia.



  7. Ubaldo Cross
    22 February 2013 @ 11:59

    Dear Loris,
    I fully agree with what you might be otherwise scritto.Perfetto.Non. Tu termini l’articolo con troppo pessimismo. Dici che l’Italia è finita.Si. This Italy is over. But if we want to ( you really want)potremmo rifondare un’altra Italia,truly free,DEMOCRATIC and SOVRANA. As long as you want it all. Quindi una sana speranza c’è. But everything depends on us and our situational awareness.


  8. santo
    22 February 2013 @ 11:38

    forse Grillo è un sognatore di utopie irrealizzabili ma io lo voterò e con piacere e determinazione perchè ha avuto la forza ed il coraggio di risvegliare ciò che già era presente e non manifesto nell’animo di tantissima gente. Non c’è chi lo sostituirà ? Ma non importa perchè questo movimento/comunità come l’ha definita lui stesso non ha bisogno di sostitui ma di una RETE di competenze GIApresenti nel movimento che saranno l’ossatua di questa nuova forza che sempre più acquisirà competenze da chiunque anche dall’estero proporrà idee nuove volte al benessere dei popoli. No coincidence that a British broadcaster who interviewed him recently, made it clear that it would be desirable to have them available in Provider England. Credo in ultima analisi che quanto si stà verificando in Italia si replicherà /diffonderà anche in altri paesi europei ed incarnerà un vero rinnovamento per un’Europa più dei popoli che dei poteri forti che fino ad oggi l’hanno governata e costretta a percorrere sentieri angusti per i più ed autostrade per pochissimi.


  9. Danilo
    22 February 2013 @ 10:17

    Dear Palmerini, I really liked his analysis that I share almost everything, Also his criticism of Beppe Grillo program.
    Certo ora molti italiani si troveranno a camminare su un muro dove da una parte ci sono i leoni e gli agnelli travestiti e dall’altra parte il buio con qualche sprazzo di luce, so that where we will jump between the lions and lambs or in the dark with only the courage given by hope on renewal? Io non ho mai ragionato con la paura del futuro e vado dove vedo l’entusiasmo, certainly I will not forget to take the stack!


  10. Giorgio
    22 February 2013 @ 07:32

    Rispetto all’antropocrazia quelle di Grillo sono bazzecole.


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