Durov (CEO Telegram) try fasting for 30 days
The creator of Telegram (one of the most popular IM systems that also functions as a social network) It announced its intention to groped a water only fast for 30 days. He is not new to experimenting with systems to enhance his performance through calorie restriction or by eliminating from the diet many foods that can create inflammation, such as sugars, cereals, meat and fish breeding etc.. Calorie restriction and fasting for therapeutic purposes is a science that has thousands of years, also practiced by philosophers to strengthen the mind through cellular repair that occurs after the first 12 hours of fasting (drinking only safe water). For several months I practice short fast, ie at least 16 ore, but in November 2017 I was totally without food for 4 and a half days, drinking lots of water and only one herbal tea of oregano and two of ginger
Other elements on this topic are in his post that I propose again translated from English. In Italy for decades, Dr.. Simeon also proposes the fasting as a curative form , while the researcher. Longo has experimentally verified the benefits of caloric restriction. A diet that is close to the Palaeolithic one and which banishes sugars is proposed by the journalist Panzironi.
â € œThose of you who follow my posts know that I am a big believer in self-control. In the lasts 15 years, I did not have alcohol, caffeine, meat, pills and fast food. As for health, brought good results: I had a fever only once in the last 15 years. Generally, do not get sick.
A year ago I further restricted my diet: gluten free, dairy-free, without eggs, no fructose. I did it to achieve greater productivity and mental clarity, as well as to train willpower and self-discipline.
Another technique I use to improve willpower is swimming in frozen water that I practice every winter in Finland or Switzerland. If you've ever faced the need to stay in a lake with a thin layer of ice on top for a few minutes, It is less likely to procrastinate the need to start a job but boring.
From May I eat only fish and seafood. If you can access the fish catch of the day, I can definitely recommend this diet for increasing productivity . Unlike the meat of livestock or agricultural products, that are part of our diet from only 15.000 years, wild fish cooked on fire is something that our ancestors consumed and evolved with it over the last million years. Since humans require daily water, our ancestors lived near rivers and lakes, and then they had a fish-based diet: from an evolutionary perspective, this makes much more sense of veganism or raw food.
This month I'm trying something even more radical, remain entirely without consuming food. In the lasts 6 days have been fasting and so far I feel great. Fasting only improves water clarity of thought, and in fact I also did a lot of things about Telegram.
Fasting is a great way to allow the digestive system to cleanse and regenerate from scratch, and also to enable the immune system to work on other issues as it does not clean up the food in constantly arriving. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors for extended periods of time had no food available, for which our body not only has only evolved to this type of suspension, but in reality he expects us to give him a break at least once a year. That's why most religions practice some form of fasting: It is healthy and it is necessary for both the body and the mind.
obviously, I might lose some’ of muscle mass as a result, but I think that if during fasting will have great new ideas for Telegram, this will be beneficial to all millions of users. And making the lives of our users more enjoyable has been and will always be my priority.