Covid-19: More than to cure the sick and protect citizens, the government of Italy thinks about making healthy sick sick.
First of all, I report what was written by the Association of Signal Doctors (AMPAS) in data 21 April 2020 to the point 11
“Immune system support: the healthy protect
A key point, that has totally escaped our rulers and our media is that the healthy (that 85% of people who encountered the virus and didn't even notice it, or suffered mild symptoms, building the necessary antibodies early) they lead a healthier lifestyle that has strengthened and shaped the immune system. Eat healthy, play sports daily, lead a less stressful life (Maybe living out of the city ), take natural vitamins and supplements, do without unnecessary drugs, give up smoking, to take drugs or drink without control, represents a commitment that you would like to see in some way valued as virtuous behavior at least in relation to the savings that allows the national health system and, in this case, protection from the spread of the virus and the non-occupation of a bed, so left free for another.Instead, if we turn on TV, we only see advertising of drugs and sweets. And among the very few shops open, in pieno lockdown, the state thought it best to leave the tobacconists. Smoke, filled with sweets, stay sedentary and swallow drugs: this is the message that the state has given us in this period. so much, Presto, The vaccine arrives.”
These are evidences that the government is not considering, and is not following science in trying to prevent evil.
Rather, followed an epidemiological forecast , that of the Imperial College of London, which is meaningless because it does not take into account the immunity of flock that develops in the spread of the virus, such an absurd model cHe was even unacceptable and inexcusable according to the university of Oxford.
To put us on the path of intentional and not simple guilt, There is also the long list of incredible delays and shortcomings in curbing the virus, which cannot be explained in the light of objective data except through the implementation of a subversive program. Just to remember, not just late or non-existent supplies of tampons, reagents, masks, respirators etc., but also the lack of protection of healthcare workers and the protection of patients with tampons, especially among the weakest as the elderly.
There is not even need to hypothesize the execution of a program aimed at the project , it is shown by the fact that the government does not follow the principles of medicine and science: the elusive vaccine is continually proposed as the final release, Although it is not scientifically clear if the virus gives permanent immunity, because if you don't give it the vaccine you will not be able to do better than it.
We only talk about “vaccine” and at the same time it is avoided to verify the actual immunite in millions of people in Italy who have contracted the virus without any problem, and at least 85%Â of the infected is very well.
The dead caused by virus on a planetary level are not even a third of the normal influence (less than 200.000 dead against i 650.000 influence on the date of today), and, on the other hand, various pharmaceutical treatments have proved to be very effective or even decisive (not vaccines) inexpensive and easily practicable, like ozone therapy, heparin, but also Favipiravir with interferon alpha and others….. All treatments on which the Italian government does not spend a word but that the doctors are already using before the official epidemic.
Then it is clear that the government is not pursuing health protection at all,Instead, he pursues a policy of interest in pharmaceutical companies, the attitude and propaganda compared to the theoretical vaccine inâ give the actual treatments and the most economic prove they demonstrate. Even AIFA has lied more times and the authorities have denied the existence of clinical trials that exist instead.
If anything, preventing people from sunbathing and at the same time go by marking the integration of vitamin D as a hoax (but also of vitamin C and zinc etc.,) exponents accredited by the Italian government are contributing to aggravate the psychophysical state of citizens, He is making her sick more than necessary as you let the live the live little seally seized in the house subjected to terrorist campaigns for an infection that today is not even an influence.
Merit of LockDown? Not even for dream, science says so, those who have not done so have not had different results, because the epidemiological model was wrong. Certainly the bankruptcy that continues until, seems to understand, we will beg for the “vaccine”, in reality a digital identification brand as required by the project, coincidentally sponsored not only by Microsoft and the Rockefeller foundation, but also by the Alliance of Vaccines (the GAVI) behind which we find Bill Gate again but tramias his foundation he has with his wife.
The WHS so acclaimed by Ricciardi and Company (who instead downloaded it yesterday) it is heavily conditioned by the Bill E Melinda Gates Foundation, and by Vaccine Pharmaceuticals, so much so that having completely lost credibility and having been, l WHO, investigated by the Council of Europe. Of course, Trump and Boris Johnson have removed the funds from the WHO, it seems to me due. It is indeed a “vaccine band”.
We still need to understand who Wuhan's laboratory is.
There are all the elements by now to see in its entirety the program implemented by the Italian government and by the administrations submitted , which is not compliant with science and constitutional purposes, but to the shady and subversive programs dictated by the gang of vaccines, which has precise names and surnames.
E’ Obvious, it goes without saying, that these people end up in jail, And it does not save us that protecting them with them, and therefore null regardless.
If you still have doubts , the waterslide is the 4 May, because the Lockdown does not be further justifiable. Even almost Nobel laureates like Tarro say so, so as not to do the usual things, and it is a paradox that I must recall it, But it is to show that things are so even looking on the other side of the perspective .
Said this, just because the program was already escaped from hand, I don't think we should go out on 25 April, it would be a tempting opportunity for them to declare insurrection and martial law. No, THE 3 May is near and we must wait for them to take this last misstep that completes the picture of the subversion.
And then we won't need any more evidence.