Corona Virus – panic – resignation of the Government and the authorities
Loris Palmerini
Text Transcription .
I would like to talk a little’ Corona-virus because I think now it is clear that the situation is not dramatic for the virus, min how it was handled .
Ptarted , also on request opposition that have asked the country's block , il ministro della sanità (I would say with total irrationality) He has blocked flights from China and in doing so has meant that people did stopover in Dubai or other countries such as Germany . quindi questi uscivano dalla Cina infetti molto probabilmente perché questo virus in realtà è anche molto silente . E’ one thing about which I'll discuss in a moment , ormai si dice chiaramente che c’è tanta gente che si ammala e non fa nemmeno la febbre o meglio questo virus ti spread mnot to have symptoms The a bit’ those of the common cold in the vast majority of cases , It is the virus relative of the common cold, but also more serious diseases . So if you wanted to make a block it also had to block even the ports, borders, close schools, impedire l’arrivo di persone dall’estero, quindi bloccare l’aeroporto di per sé it is not logic neither scientific, Rather, it was better to let people arrived E you controllassero. Fermo restando che comunque magari qualcuno che era scappato dalla zona contenimento c’era, but the fact that what is incredible is that some Regions have made of such a disproportionate measures and the equallyLlogic to create this putiferio, always confirmed by ministro of salute, But at this point there are also half of all Consiglieri Minister, ci sono le autorità sanitarie, ci sono le autorità regionali. sand you want to hold A virus is fine , But then you can not let me run the subway rather than the metro but I disinfettI the train …. you can not close the theaters but not the cinema , Or He let me go In crowded places you can not then chiudere le manifestazioni culturali nei ristoranti piuttosto che altrove solo perché c’è rischio di contagio, But then let that restaurants with hundreds of people inside I'm sessions l’una affianco all’altra senza alcuna sterilizzazione E can safely continue exercising .... then I States affected I pub restaurant with non si ….. things totally unreasonable and thelogics . Cominciamo watching some few items to consider . Ds what we are talking ? qow many are sick ? I Chinese have developed before A test is been improving. As for the test the Gismondo (which it has since been the subject of controversy ) said that if we did test it a thousand people passing in the street will easily find hundreds who are carriers (of the virus) who contracted the virus but have no symptoms.
quindi the virus is running in the streets Meu and therefore it does not really make sense to think we can isolate in this way as it was done by Regions and the autorità della health that spread panic even then the test there are various types of tests. stamattina (THE 27 February ) On Rai 1 The Rai 2 , Ricciardi ( personaggio già Althe chronicles of strange relationships with farmaceutic houseshe quando era all’istituto superiore di sanità ) practically Ricciardi said that I test not I'm totalmente affidabili nel senso che sono affidabili solo in parte per cui ci sono dei falsi positivi di conseguenza noi in effetti non sappiamo neanche quant’è la vera spread of this virus . Why do not we i test people on the street ? why subito dopo le ordinanze di contenimento hanno dato l’ordine di non fare il test alle persone in maniera sistematica e adesso gave l’ordine di fare i test soltanto alle persone che are malate ? questo fa si che si sovrastima l’impatto del virus, Pecause if we go to check only people sick E then we count the dead is Clearly, the relationship of 2% it is , MA If instead let's make test it even people who do not show any sign and we see that there are thousands more people who have contracted the virus but do not have consequences and are not sick, Eere the mortalità of this virus would be ridiculous. quindi we have not even sure about the numbers , lacks a control sample, e fra l’altro After China on tests intervened Roche , poi c’è statA L’Theniversità di Padova che ha sviluppato un test even more reliable, MA we do not know which of these tests are usatI, we do not know the business that you created . We do not know pecause the RLeon Veneto, il direttore regionale della sanità that however he responds to the Board , He gave the order (I think Tuesday – then several days ago E in full emergency and panic ) orders not to do the test in a systematic manner, because then it appearedNo questi numeri enormi che sono finite le cronache provocando il blocco dell’economia , the blocking of public transport, le persone sequestrate all’estero The kept locked, and panic. Addirittura a friend (Estero) that came last week Venice was recommended to stay home for the simple fact that he was in Venice last week , quando l’emergenza ancora sembravano non to exist . So as you can see on the one hand we have these tests that we do not know what measureNo, and it avoids utilizzarat the because otherwise it turns out that the number of “infected is much higher, and then consequently result much lower THE number of those who have suffered severe damage from viruses.
Following exaggeration news we had Dr. Maria Rita gismondo that defined it as absurd to panic because you are talking about something that is not more Grave of theThe Influence, and it has been attacked by burioni, che l’ha definita la “signores the bag "that" needs to rest " , while Burioni had vindicated the request of the Veneto Region to quarantine the students coming from China. Burioni asked really draconian measures, is exactly one spargitorand of terrorism, he has schanged In epidemic one thing this kind without having the numbers because the numbers do not we have them. Partiamo by a scientific fact : we do not know exactly how widespread this virus is the streets because they simply do not make the test, They make only tests Alpeople they are wrong not to those to which the virus does almost nothing.
For example, there is this lady of Vo 'Euganeo who was perfectly fine , But nothing , è a casa isolata quando poi in effetti il virus c’è anche fuori (the country) c’è anche nelle strade , c’è quasi dappertutto . For example, I live in the province of Padua, We have cases of people who were proven to have the infection probably Limena , in Saccolongo etc. , in short, there are several, But they were not isolated countries because in fact it makes no sense . As for the data of this thing with the numbers we have right now. We fortunately no deaths among children, 2% nell’età diciamo adolescenziale, and so on until, unfortunately, the over 80 che hanno un’incidenza , ma comunque già anche gli over 70 . C’è incidenza di mortalità ma perché si è fatto il test a questi . Se andassimo a fare i test ai bambini vedremo che praticamente ce ne sono molti che ce l’hanno assolutamente asintomatica. Then we have structures that are truly amazing . This (in video) It is the newsletter of the City of Rubano, che peraltro fa quello che praticamente gli hanno ordinato le autorità , neither more nor less , non credo ci sia una discrezionalità (that much ) the Mayor . C’ è stata una piccola polemica che si è scatenata in questi giorni fra le autorità sanitarie che hanno dato queste direttive assolutamente contraddittorie , including not go to the theater, however, you can go to the movies, ma non si capisce perché dentro a un autobus seduto uno affianco all’altro sia meno pericoloso che dentro a un cinema , rather than in other places of this kind . So these directives were given obviously carelessly . As for the speech of the gyms at some point the Veneto region, but I also think the other, He said he decided the mayors. Cioè ci sono Paesi con palestre aperte anche per attività sportive di gruppo, and countries with closed gyms and swimming pools closed . But excuse me : what is ? Se c’è questo virus che gira e bisogna essere isolati …. we all do our part ! Oppure lo facciamo girare “un po’†. Allora hanno cominciato ad inventarsi che queste misure servono per “ridurre la circolazione del virus†perché altrimenti c’è l’affollamento ai servizi sanitari ….. I understand ! But then you can go to work in the factory with 300 people where it comes in contact with everyone and then they go into homes and become infected family members ? And family members and students and families have to stay home and not go in public places ? It lacks logic and scientific rigor in all this. Which is why you can go to certain churches and not in some other ? for example , WHO , in Rubano Bulletin, the library is closed , The family center is open .... Oh well ….. the center for the elderly is closed , gli impianti sportivi sono aperti secondo le modalità decise dalle singole società sportive! Here we are ridiculous : the Ministry does not decide , does not settle the Region , He decides not miss the Mayor ..... decide la singola attività sportiva ! Io vorrei sapere che competenza medica ha una singola attività sportiva per decidere se questo corona-virus di cui non sappiamo nulla possa o non possa essere contratto durante l’attività sportiva , maybe football where you from those elbows and sweat ... .
THE bello ofcourse, are sospesI of decision dalla singola attività di corso, But on television they say to stay A 2 meters one dall’altro … however you rendete conto che assurdità ?
In short, we saw profiteers characters that They have changed their attitude during these days, we saw a chaos among the ordinances that you could not do the carnival in Venice, but maybe you could do it in Regione closeA .
A In ' Euganeo there are people who are seized: Per why ? Per evitare la diffusione del virus che c’è anche fuori (the country) ? Phy most of these people can not get out ? C‘is la limitazione della Libertà personale without any reason scientific. Theoday's Friday, I waited a little’ of days, I made my reflections : all’inizio non si sapeva con che cosa AND He had to do and I took my precautions, MA da noi non c’è assolutamente a mask around , The shelves are full . instead in the Slovak TV they showed an empty shelf into believing that there are raids in supermarkets .
La gestione delle Autorità ha triggered panic and he has fatto un enorme danno all’economia, without any logical and scientific rigor , a partire dal fatto che in effetti non sappiamo quanto della popolazione ha già contratto il virus e non ha assolutamente sintomi , E They do not want to do the swabs for this reason , because otherwise shall go downmor ridicule , because it was made a Can-Can, It was made panic con l’awithrme all’autorità , MA on anything .
Need reason on times, because China has taken certain specific measures spintA also gives international characters. So maybe it's true that this virus has escaped from some laboratory , MA if not his, and maybe we did not know with What we were dealing . PI though ad one point you take of themeasures…. a lE It takes correctly, or not mean that you do not know to do their jobs . But at some point oroday, Friday 27, perché gli studenti stanno a casa da scuola quando è evidente che è stato sbagliato tutto l’approccio è che non ha nessun senso chiudere le scuole ?
Evidente it wanted to march on this speech for the scusantI a livello internazionale per un’economia che non va, E con ciò si la posizione dell’Italia worsened. Adesso non si ha il coraggio di dire che c’è stata una disorganizzazione totale, which they were made of the wrong orders, with scientific advisers to be made redundant, because they do not want any control sample. bisogna make test 10000 People on the street to see what is actually spread (he virus) E in the absence of data on the control sample corona virus are completely invented with una drammaticità che molto probabilmente non esiste . Lor they have said diversI virologI che questo virus da noi molto probabilmente gira già da mesi. So even airports (blocked) E all the other the person's limitations, of the Libertà personale, They have been abuses of On freedom (individual) .
INo modern country E civil where the values ​​are those of the constitution, this kind violations the population would resign le autorità . Iwe nvece Italy.
Purtroppo we have aA evidence : if tomorrow is really an infection Grave, nor we would be in danger because these people can not handle . HIt proved not to be able to manage , It has been shown to have ConsulentI who do not know their work. It would take una grande dimissione di massa da parte di molte autorità anche regionali E Government , the health minister and the head of government . I'm sorry, not very often chieThings to do this type .
But as you are Italian , ECCO unfortunately not askthee dimensions, and so we will pass again (rightly ) as the country joke , the country who can not even manage a cold
I'm Loris Palmerini , my website
I will try to buonino in this time waiting to pass this scientific anti madness