1. giancarlo - Verona
    4 July 2009 @ 10:33

    I must say that it is true that many industrialists in the North have benefited from and are benefiting from state aid unthinkable for the many small and medium-sized entrepreneurs from the Veneto region and this shows only two things:
    1°) that the Jacobin and Masonic minority that also exists in Veneto just take advantage of it
    di quello che lo Stato gli elargisce e quindi se ne stà buona.
    2°) the majority of Venetians ( apart from the state) works from 12-14 HOURS A DAY, si fÃ
    succhiare il sangue da Gennaio a Metà Luglio e poi inizia a lavorare per sè.

    That he is a politician, who is a state, whether it is a southerner or a north whoever deludes himself that we can continue like this is simply someone who wants civil war.
    Yes because it is impossible not to understand where we are going…verso la rovina dell’italia.
    So what's the point of writing to argue enough without giving solutions.
    I would like to hear someone propose solutions…but unfortunately there are no more…..


  2. Carmine Colacino
    3 July 2009 @ 17:23

    Le ricordo che parte delle royalties dell’estrazione petrolifera in Basilicata è stata indirizzata al Veneto, which he has been careful not to mention (sure, it is more beautiful to speak of southern parasites, but in this case the parasites are you, unless you've given up, which I am not aware of). Federalism cannot be just tax, but also of natural resources, if not, it's too comfortable. E poi veramente è necessario spiegarle la realtà della Cassa per il Mezzogiorno (who didn't develop anything in the south, but it certainly has enriched several Northern entrepreneurs), and subsequently , European funds in the South have often been used as an alternative to ordinary funds, it is also easy to talk about the southern underworld while sending illegal substances illegally to Campania to save money… I am writing to you because I also think – like her – that Veneto (o meglio i territori dell’antica Repubblica di Venezia) meritino l’indipendenza, questa però non credo si otterrà alimentando sempre gli stessi pregiudizi verso il Sud, in short, if he wants to be taken seriously, behave like a serious person… The South is in a colonial situation in which it is functional (if not necessary) that the money invested (so to speak) non producano niente e resti il sottosviluppo e l’assistenzialismo, Veneto was partially able to overcome this phase, and this goes in honor of the Venetians, the South, however, does not want assistance, also because that money should be used much more productively for development… certainly the South is not without fault, always vote the same functional politicians in power (but in part this also happens in the north, and also in Veneto)… non è però con i luoghi comuni e le solite menzogne che veneto e due sicilie otterranno l’indipendenza che spetta loro.


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