Current events and history of the Veneto people
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The Republic of Venice is dead? No, changed its name
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Right, International, Lombardo-Veneto, History, Venetie
Andrea Tavini reported on Facebook a writing by Antonella Todesco concerning the last days of the Republic of Venice, or better, of the aristocratic form of government. “THE BEGINNING OF THE END… Nell’ April 1797 Lippomano writes to his son-in-law Querini: “It is not necessary for me to give you the details of our misfortunes, I would increase the […]

from the 2012 the Veneto people can no longer make new self-determination, only that of the 1999.
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Right, International, Lombardo-Veneto, Venetie
The recognition of constitutional status of the right to “Self-Government of the Venetian People” given by Article 2 of Law n.340 / 1971, combined with the right of self-determination of peoples given by the Italian ratification of “International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights” which took place with law 881/1977, legally allowed the self-determination of the Venetian people (and not citizens of the Veneto Region) what a pur […]

Current events and history of the Veneto people, Right, History, Venetie degree, degree, degree, degree, San Marco
?And you? And you, And you? And you, Great-Illustration_of_Lombardo-Veneto, And you? And you. Great-Illustration_of_Lombardo-Veneto, Great-Illustration_of_Lombardo-Veneto, Great-Illustration_of_Lombardo-Veneto, And you?;And you? And you; And you? And you, Great-Illustration_of_Lombardo-Veneto, Great-Illustration_of_Lombardo-Veneto, And you? And you […]

Re-discuss the plebiscite of the 1866 because this had been Venetian land for several centuries: let's do it
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Right, International, Lombardo-Veneto, staff, Policy, History, Venetie
THE 22 October 1866 the Italian Government organized the "Plebiscite of the Veneto" in Lombardy-Veneto, and based on that result “referendum” claims sovereignty over the territories of Lombardy, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, and instead here are some of the elements that I have collected over the years and that show that it was a scene: 1) […]
Let's free the Venetians!
Current events and history of the Veneto people, banks, Right, Event, finance and credit, In evidence, Lombardo-Veneto
In Veneto “Venetie for self-government” presents itself to the regional to restore regional savings, to implement the rights of autonomy and self-government of the Venetians provided for by the laws of decades, implement health rights and much more. The proposals we make are the same ones that I propose from 25 years and that can turn and free […]

Zaia takes almost a month to recover there’ AVIGA (favipiravir) but it was in France
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Salute, Science, Vaccines
Luca Zaia, the President of the Veneto Region, The day 18 April 2020 stated that the famous Avigan has finally arrived from Japan. However, in fact it is already authorized and in use in France and studied by the European Medicines Authority. Avigan is the name of the flu drug made famous by the pharmacist Aresu, that the 22 […]

The right to waste time in the face of the loss of freedom
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, staff
Note: This was written on 17 February 2020, before there was “Pandemic”. There are so many ways to be free: theoretical freedom, practical freedom (concrete and real), freedom of psychological satisfaction ….. and there are many ways to achieve these various freedoms. There are those who think about their company to the point of neglecting their own […]
Italian Venetians in Istria and Dalmatia?
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Venetian Language, staff, History, Venetie
I was in Istria for the first time in the late 70's when I was a kid of about 10 years. The roads had potholes, stores the goods were scarce and tiered, only in tourist areas you could experience a holiday, and it was cheap. Istria was the rich part of Yugoslavia, Yet […]