Nominated for UNESCO the Venetian fortress of Palmanova
The wonderful view from above of Palmanova alone makes it clear why it is in a good position to become a UNESCO protected heritage site. It is one of the many military fortresses of the Venetian Republic that are present in an incredibly vast area that involves not only the “Tate of Tera” (from Bergamo to Istria) but also the “Stado the Sea” which included numerous fortresses in the Adriatic and Mediterranean.[amazon_link asins=’8822263715,8831758268,B001BET3HA,8896177170′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’lopindiloripa-21′ marketplace=’IT’ link_id=’ 210c050d-359e-11e7-b7dd-e9af5b5a9ae4′]
The extension of the Venetian Republic was precisely thousands of kilometers, the Adriatic was in fact an internal gulf, because Venice dominated it, while respecting other states on which it has never practiced military expansionism, always preferring (When possible) the peaceful and mutually interesting collaboration in economic terms.
On the other hand, marine currents and navigation techniques have determined the routes and expansion of navigation over the centuries, in addition to the development of markets.
The Republic of Venice was in fact a continuation of the Roman Empire, legally mistress “a quarter and a half” of the same, but he was able to beautify their territories with works, even justified by military needs, they were often designed to be marvels to the human eye anyway.
Now another piece of this huge historical and cultural heritage is valued Venetian, the fortress of Palmanova [amazon_link blood=’8831758268,8883450957,B00DKA7ECE’ template=’ProductGrid’ store=’lopindiloripa-21′ marketplace=’IT’ link_id=’ 5a1512a4-359c-11e7-bc09-3f1bfeb96dd7′]
Even the Friuli-Venezia Giulia is an important part of the historical and cultural heritage Venetian, because the Friulians are now Friulian-speaking Venetians, but they always historically and archaeologically shared the same story of the Venetians.
Suffice it to say that the first Doge, Paulicio Anafesto, in reality he was elected in Grado, Today the province of Gorizia.
[amazon_link blood=’8809028813,8815244646,8858127153,B01HMZ302K’ template=’ProductGrid’ store=’lopindiloripa-21′ marketplace=’IT’ link_id=’ ed3759e8-359b-11e7-9aac-83bf3ecdbe55′]
Those who deny the historical Venetian identity of Friuli-Venezia Giulia deny the obvious which is already written in the name of the Region, but it denies those Venetians their human rights of identity, membership, Also speaking (a large part of the region speaks Venetian).
Paradoxically, even the Italian Constitutional Court, obviously with judgment, sanctioning the Friulian language does not go away and can not be taught in those areas where historically speaking another, as precisely Pordenone, degree, Trieste etc. has implicitly shared and recognized the Venetian historicity also of the language of a large part of the regional territory of FVG, I propose the concept of 20 years and which is now imminent to make inroads even among the politicians of the Veneto region. On the other hand, the concept is already in the Venetian regional law 28 of the 2016.
Here What does the Region FVG on the candidacy of Palmanova Venetian fortress