Bocciata definitivamente la richiesta di referendum per l’indipendenza della regione veneto: illegal
Bocciata la richiesta di referendum per l’indipendenza del Veneto (PDL 342 ) proposed by Independence Veneta, and claimed by Plebiscito 2013. According to the Courier, Regional commission to analyze the proposal (a cui è stata inviata il 17 September 2013), l’ha bocciata definitivamente, arguing that it would be unconstitutional and PROHIBITED BY STATUTE.
but yet 150 common and 4 consigli regionali l’hanno approvata: They called for the Regional Council to do something UNLAWFUL ?
in 2013 avevo già messo nel mio libro “CAN NOT BE DONE’ FARE” tutti gli elementi di incostituzionalità, but even those of international law that have not even been taken into account.
But nothing, si è voluto an errand with 2 Lawyers for IV, 2 regional leaders, 2 professors of law.
I asked in vain to be part of that committee, but no one listened to me.
E’ over the 13 September 2013, on the service screens Veneta, I revealed that the PDL 342 He was IN VIOLATION OF THE STATUTE, articles 27 E 26, and that the Committee had not even considered this item.
Così il 17 September there was a referral, ed ora è stato bocciato definitivamente.
Contrary to what supports the Courier I is not for nothing that the Commission of Jurists had noticed the statutory constraint, tant’è che in diretta a Rete Veneta l’avv. Cantarutti Independence Veneta, già parte della Commissione, He fell from the clouds, not knowing what to say.
Now the referendum they take it with those who have made the proposal. They should send home to manifest incompetence.
For other disturbing elements have emerged recently in the Masonic proposal, fra cui l’affermazione che the annexation of 1866 non è valida (as I say from 2006) . In practice, the Lombardo-Veneto NOT’ ITALY as I say from 2007.
Common hear now who has proven to be sufficiently prepared, and support the proposal of bilingualism.
See also