HAARP is also not fantasy?
A Brazilian scientist, Fran de Aquino, would prove that HAARP, officially an American station data collection, in fact it can actually cause earthquakes, cataclismoi, cyclones and very high temperatures localized, in short, it is a weapon of mass destruction. This reinforces the conspiracy theories according to which some recent earthquakes, tsunami and other devastations were caused by such weapons, in order to hit the enemy even without nuclear power and seemingly “faults” dell'attacante.
Fran De Aquino works in the Physics Department of the State University of Maranhao, S.Luis / MA, Brazil, His article, English recitation (translation from “Wolves Einstein”)
The Active Auroral Research Program with High Frequency (HAARP) it is currently the most important structure used to generate extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation (ELF) in the ionosphere. To produce this ELF radiation HAARP transmitter radiates a powerful beam of high-frequency waves (HF) modulate in ELF (extremely low frequency). This warming HF modulates the temperature of the electrons in the D region of the ionosphere and induces a modulated conductivity and a time-varying current which is then transmitted at the modulation frequency. recently, the transmitter HAARP HF has operated with 3.6GW of radiated power modulated at a frequency of 2.5Hz. E’ demonstrated that the high-energy radiation ELF generated by the heaters of the ionosphere HF, such as the heater HAARP, Earthquakes can cause, Cyclones and strong localized heating.
Who wants to read all the scientific details of the study, CAN HE’ find WHO
For another study states that according to the theory “quantum” Gravity could also reverse the gravitational weight of a body, what is usually called “antigravitÔ.