And CROZZA’ A GENIUS OF THE STAGE (but not of science).
There's nothing to say, Crozza is a great actor,and it is clear that he has a talent for imitating and singing that is truly out of the ordinary, maybe not yet how Alighiero Noschese, but certainly upscale. His comedy is extraordinary, although it is evident that it is wanted because he is certainly a good-looking man, he doesn't have the funny face of a cricket to say, Crozza has to do it by force.
On the other hand, it also has the fortune of a large support company, of acute authors, of a good shoulder which is also equally important. He also has an intelligent wife, he must be too, and therefore he is a man whose fortunes are not undeserved.
Unfortunately, he too has some flaws His rant from San Remo against Berlusconi has disappointed many, especially because it gave more importance to a political corpse than it had. And unfortunately he has revealed his left-wing sympathies numerous times "regardless", left, moreover, of that high society which was so harmful to Italy, of that left which still today has not come to terms with the reality of the Soviet invasion of Hungary. But can a comedian be asked to be impartial in a country where even the former President of the Republic Napolitano applauded those massacres !
Said this, unfortunately Crozza slips more than a few times. Lastly, the issue on homeopathy, which he called a hoax, and coupled with the character of T’incook, parody of the “prophet” Timothy Donald Cook, better known as Tim Cook.
But what does Crozza know about their homeopathic authors? He knows this science, the experimental tests? On what scientific basis is such a claim made by giving scammers to all pharmacies and the entire European Union ? Homeopathy is in fact a type of medicine officially recognized for its effectiveness despite the fact that its theoretical basis, being “holistic”, they are not well explained by current rationalist science, which currently cannot even explain the mass of the universe by hypothesizing that dark matter is far more present than visible matter……..
Another slip, and it wouldn't be a problem...… if for the Italians they were normal people.
Unfortunately, the Italians, on the other hand, are gullible, they have an attitude “magical” towards reality similar to that of children. It is no coincidence that large parts of the territory still believe in the evil eye, to witchcraft, to the ammulets …. in short, there is a lot of superstition, which perhaps is "seasoned" with actually effective remedies, how to put garlic to keep “something” away (Garlic is actually a natural antibiotic with precise scientifically proven properties).
Italians are inclined to believe in the existence of magic and the Magician, which explains why they have a propensity for playing the lottery but also for gambling. The Italian state makes good use of this popular weakness, he collects mountains of money from people who then end up in ruins from gambling diseases.
But there is also another derivative of this "magical" attitude of the Italians: waiting for the man of salvation. This is how Mussolini's rise is explained, but also of Craxi, Belusconi, Grillo and Renzi.
All these characters have been invested by the population with salvific powers, magical, sovraumani, remaining systematically disillusioned. Mind you, I myself advised Grillo to found a party in 2005, and supported him in 2007, but I saw it as a means of breaking the political mafia consociation system, but probably someone more powerful, with money in hand, instead he hired him to stabilize the system while destroying the political class that guarantees Italian self-government (poorly managed) within the framework of the globalist government.
There is no doubt that Crozza is being seen (as it happened with Grillo years ago) also as a man of thought, politician who gives directions, it even has its own space in a political broadcast...… evidently he should consider this popular expectation and be more careful about what he says.
E’ true though , it would be better than the Italians, and I from Veneto with them, stopped "believing" in comedians and only saw them for what they are.