Autonomists !!! PRRRT!
I find “The post” a generally biased newspaper and capzioso.
In this case it is worth reporting the summary he made of the path ahead for autonomy.
To all this I add two further considerations on this law.
The first. This law actually it complicates the mechanism for achieving autonomy which was already established by the Constitution. In fact, since the reform of 2001 According to the Constitution, the Regions can ask the Government to delegate matters which are erroneously called autonomy, and who knows why they never did it. I repeat: The region Veneto, Lombardy and all the other regions could request autonomy from 2002, and thanks to the simple opinion of regional local authorities. Be careful that the Constitution did not and does not need a popular referendum, it is not expected, the regional consultative referendums were a useless and unsolicited waste of money, wasted money that should be compensated by those who did it. and this is demonstrated by the fact that some Regions have asked for autonomy without a referendum. Returning to this law “cauldrons”, it does nothing but add constraints and complications to the path already foreseen by the Constitution, which in itself was already difficult and now becomes almost impossible and moved on over the years.
The second, the most important. Let's hope that this autonomy never arrives, The point is that all these movements each claim to be legitimized to act in the name and on behalf of the entire Veneto population. The definition of “essential levels of performance” ( LEP ) will establish the minimum bar that the Regions will have to reach in the various areas. The Regions will all have to agree to do so, and they will then establish the “minimum wage” of citizens' rights. Obviously the Regions that are less efficient today and do not reach them will ask and impose that a higher level than the one they currently reach is established. And for a very good reason. Not so much because of the principle of equality of citizens which will be used as a flag and as a denunciation of “secession of the rich” , but because the Region does not reach the LEP today and presumably will not be able to do so tomorrow either as it is inefficient, thanks to the LEP you will be able to ask for greater financial support from “equalization fund” already provided for in the Constitution, and will have the right to obtain it. In other words, while today the inefficient Region is supported with continuous exceptional funding, which however expose the incompetent regional leaders, with this autonomy extraordinary funds will be a right “normal” due to reach the LEP . In other words, the definition of the LEP will result in a permanent blackmail of the wasteful Regions ( he corrupts the mobster) to the virtuous Regions, thus making the current unjustified waste a right. The usual reversal of terms, in conclusion.
But it seems obvious to me that the party that wants the bridge over the Strait of Messina is not a party that wants to corner the inefficient Regions. Unlike, wants to subsidize waste permanently.
Do you remember Alberto Soldi's raspberry to the workers? Here is the merciless title of the post.