Aluminum linked to Multiple Sclerosis
A comparative research between brain tissue of deceased people with multiple sclerosis and departed without multiple sclerosis, It has reinforced the conclusions of a previous study who they had demonstrated a high level of aluminum content in brain tissue of deceased with multiple sclerosis . The result reinforces the idea that human exposure to aluminum can play a role in the etiology of multiple sclerosis.
The research title “Aluminum in brain tissue in nonâ € ‘neurodegenerative / Nonâ €‘ neurodevelopmental disease: a comparison with the Multiple Sclerosis” and it was conducted by C. Linhart, D. Davidson, s. Pathmanathan, t. Kmlds, C. Exley.
The research refers to the putative neurotoxic capacity of aluminum demonstrated by various researches.
Apart from the above, You should know that microscopic aluminum parts is receiving daily via different routes:
– with feeding through food that has come into contact with cans, takeaway packaging, sheets and aluminum packaging, carton packs with aluminum, aluminum shelves etc., but also with commercial baked goods, animals also contaminated, waters with high levels of aluminum;
– with breathing, species in areas where industrial processes are carried out, but also in traffic smog and dust such as that produced by the wear of the brake pads;
– different drugs, especially several antacids;
However, to date it appears that the body is able to dispose of the assimilated aluminum through ingestion and respiration For the 99% through the urine and feces, provided you have an efficient disposal system, especially kidney.
The body, on the other hand, does not appear to have efficient mechanisms for eliminating aluminum when it is injected. In fact, in particular the prof. Gherardi has shown that the aluminum injected in part ends up in the brain triggering various neurodegenerative diseases, and in part it can accumulate locally giving way to conditions such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
An excessive amount of aluminum was also found in the brains of deceased autistic
Remember that aluminum is present in vaccines where it is used to deliver antigens and trigger the immune reaction, it is in many of the components , unfortunately in quantities well above the safety limits, and the very few studies on the safety of aluminum in vaccines from the late 1990s They were invalidated in 2018 .
Unfortunately, today children receive with vaccinations the quantity of aluminum equivalent to hundreds of liters of water outside the norm, but injected into a second. Autistic children are now officially more than one every 100, and continue to increase in number from incredibly when it makes extensive use of aluminum in vaccines.
It is not vaccines that produce autism, however, there is certainly a correlation with the aluminum contained in them, and on the other hand aluminum, as evidenced, It is correlated with multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and other serious diseases.
On the other hand, how harmless a neurotoxic such as aluminum can be?
Research at the end of this article