Put photos of children online pedophiles and exposes them to risks of kidnapping
E’ very easy motorcycle to take a photo or a video to their children by mobile phone, or to groups of children, how to recite, and then just click to share a photo on Facebook, Istagram o Twitter o altri social network come Whats’App.
Many parents do, e non pensano che così espongono i propri figli al rischio di essere presi di mira e poi individuati da pedofili e rapitori, even distant, because of location data in the photo or video.
In fact in the photo cell, cameras and camcorders store information EXIF, which are the information “location” , ed in pratica consistono nella posizione geografica del luogo dove l’immagine è stata colta. It is information that rely on GPS or the Russian GLONASS, in short, the same that tells us the navigation system of each phone, that the wrong position decimeters , no meters . That analyzing photos, il malintenzionato può scoprire facilmente dove il bambino va a scuola, in which park plays, and where he lives by searching for facial images.
He talks about this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2vARzvWxwY#t=21
Naturalmente in Italia si deve discutere di problemi molto più importanti.