Unfortunately Moody's this time he is right
The downgrading 2 Head of the government bonds of Italy, the last 2 before being level “trash” He has reason, let's see some.
The Italian market is collapsing, -12% of the industry for the 2012. That is, the scarce will be burned this year “progress” the last 10 years in this settore.Non talk about other sectors also made worse. In Veneto, that alone does 30% of the active production of Italy, The only sector to keep is agriculture, but as is known it employs about 5% of the population.
There are 500 thousand people laid off in Italy from September will be without work and without subsidy, In other words, Until now they have more or less received subsidies that can not precipitate them in misery, but their companies have since permanently closed, They will soon be newly unemployed for the failed policies of the government.
To be minimally credible internationally, The state has imposed a mountain of taxes more than in 1 year ago , It collects them today and will collect an even greater mountain in 2013. When foreigners call “awesome” Monti's reforms mean to say that if Monti was the leader of their government would not survive the riots in giving this deadly blow to the people. In Italy everything tacie, at least it seems the regime media, ownership of banks, And perhaps this depends on a lazy nature determined by the large amount of transgenic wheat that we eat between pasta, bread and pizza.
The ridiculous thing is that public bodies will also pay more taxes, Including the IMU, And the ridiculous is that the state that gives money to itself produces nothing but waste, Indeed, it has produced damage due to the people necessary to calculate the useless tax of public bodies .
All of this, and so on (like the fact that the state pays to 6% that is, that could pay to 1%) , The media system it is silent, and continues to churn out lies because mostly in the hands of southernists who made a fiefdom of the south to keep poor and in need , Lies like that of today on the IMU for which Rome will pay more than in Milan and Turin: In reality in Rome the immense ministries will pay the largest share . The IMU will be paid mainly from the North and certainly not give 2 million illegal buildings in south.
The banks are made to have hundreds of billions of the loan rate’ 1%, and they are so kind that they lend them to the state to 6%. For them there is no interest in giving them to citizens and businesses perhaps to 4%, Rather, In order not to risk financing someone who then the crisis will hit no mortgages, if they do undertake to underwrite insurance policies that cover risk, they ask for immediate return to those who are late late, They ask for the return to companies even without a reason on discretionary directives of the Bank of Italy which is hundreds of risk in the risk plant …. all in order to meet the requirements ordered by the Banking Association of Basel pulling the western bankruptcy file. That's why for banks it is very comfortable and reassuring to stay “inside” , taking the money to”0,75% from the ECB and lend the same money to the Italian state who will squeeze citizens serving to pay them the 6%!
And the Government? Compared to the immobility of banks and compared to their parasitism and unnecessary state, what does ? What has always made every Italian government: + tax – services and privileges for the crust holding the bag.
This fact only serves to prop up a political-mafia-banking crust that has eaten all, including the future of their children and the children themselves (there are new born).
The government on the waste front is completely useless, The European Commission had to intervene to give a Bottarella to the Sicilian waste , cutting transfers, the government does not see, He does not hear and does not speak as always.
Two days ago The Sun 24 hours reported some data on government waste, and confirmation all to everything I say for years, like here The like here.
All the data read from the accounting office, not because I'm a seer. The exponents of the crust and Technicians do not know where they are ?
I have to give credit to Zaia, President of the Veneto, which opposed the “exemption” that binds and PDL had given to the southern regions: was declared unconstitutional, as is obvious. It is not easy to tell your party and to your voters who had been seriously wrong before. But Monti has tried to pass off the same principle to preserve the South waste!
Faced with this parasitism what did Monti in all this time? In the face of the excess of state state what will do?
In Spain they have cut the thirteenth state to, and will reduce their salaries.
Monti wants to send them into early retirement ! The Government could instead, for example, transfer them to the municipalities and local authorities in the free service, Maybe make them work on telework for those who can, and instead NO. It will not be held in the offices to do what they did before, and even help out on arrears, he sends them home with the board to lead the good life and be borne by the under-40! Note that if you can retire them without problems, It means that today you do not need to own anything.
The truth is that we continue to give privileges to the privileged: The state state in Italy are on average more paid than private workers, and in proportion also of the state state. It does not happen in the rest of Europe, But there the left parties are not the expression of the state of the poor people who believe it.
They approach the election and never let the media disturb the handlers that allow them many economic benefits and funding. Just as the contributions to the great publishing cannot be cut (that little one is no longer needed) .
This is why the media do not speak of the fact that in all this the Italian economy is knowing a drama never seen since the post -war period, AND “mentions” only, alluded, but no one seriously speaks. They are even censored data on transfers to local authorities to conceal the shameful inequalities: They would lose the votes of the South.
All this leads to an unsolvable equation : Bankruptcy parties will have to present themselves to the electorate saying that it was the good of the country to bring us to misery, When everyone knows that it is used to save banks.
Right and left, which are parts of the same hidden direction (hidden dictatorship) or coincident with the President of the Republic, They will pretend to be antagonists while they are together in supporting the government's economic drubbing, the failure management. The government that saves banks instead of Italians and work. Monti is the bankruptcy commissioner of a country, not his healing.
There is no hope. They will probably be forced to make an electoral law that blocks the possibility of political renewal, which they did before with the unconstitutional and subversive “match condition”, but now they will attempt a kind of bi-plank unique neo-fascist.
It is not so much cricket, many of which soon will tire by the lack of a comprehensive vision and coherent. What he says Grillo, largely shared, It is the result of popular instances, but these things are taken for granted in a democratic system, are obvious things that do not constitute a, but the very foundation of democracy. Unfortunately here serves absolutely brilliant recipe, And Grillo does not have it.
But it's really difficult. for example, if you licenziassero 1 million government, it would be done the right thing, but this would produce a further economic braking. We are already beyond the point of no return, even though I know what to do to raise the situation: to take the state through a state bank the money from the ECB at 1%, renew the public debt to 1% and free this 100 billion a year. You can even make the failed Inpdap a great income creator by putting its real estate assets to guarantee loans to 1%. But the gangs do not earn, the banks would jump-policies. They would save citizens.
In front of the system crash, to his immobility, How to blame Moody's who sees no future ?
All the more when the bankruptcy Berlusconi returns to be heard. Let us remember that Berlusconi is not eligible for art.10 of the electoral law,and it would be economically failed 1996 Prodi if he would not let the stock exchange without taxes of the Fininvest group: a nice gift of hundreds of millions of Euros.
Without considering the rescue of its MPS Banca operated by Monti with trick 6%.
E’ time to look in the face: let us stop to think that it is always the fault of others: There is no persecution against Italy, The problem is the Italian system.
There is no interest in Germany to send us deeply, jump too, nor are they stupid to do pull down.
Germans, The French and the others will not give Italy any hand “free”.
They will not be so kind ( or balls), such as those of the Lombardo-Veneto, they will pay silent waste and parasitism Italian. On the other hand, they remained alone because they are abandoned by the earthquake Emilia!
Foreigners are not “bad”, They are savvy. They know that they risk a lot’ If Italy sinks, because the euro would suffer from it, but at the same time they know that it would be much worse to bear on Italian debt, initiated towards the 140% in 2015 , an unpayable debt.
Italy has failed, everything turns to worse, And there is no perspective of change.
The only solution is to stop being Italian, first of all in the head.
Even coming out of the euro would be useless, Rather, worsen accounts for quite a while’ of time, become an Arab colony, Russia and China in a short time.
If anything, the only solution is to declare all the plebiscites of union to Italy, declare void the Italian Republic for failure to vote Istria and Dalmatia, and let it die with its huge debt.
The solution will necessarily be to return to previous sovereign states, Lombardo-Veneto, the Kingdom of Naples, etc. etc.. End of Italy, the end of the misfortunes! you can start again, each with their own legs, but without debts.
That's why Lombardo-Veneto, who announced that it will present the cause for the return of sovereignty, will not take part in the Italian public debt with it, Unlike, will also ask for damage from illegal employment . This is the only innovation in the Italian panorama of the last few months .
All this is enough to suggest that the Italian state securities will end up in the trash.
If Moody's did not say today that the future of Italy is very bleak and uncertain, I should have done in days, Because data are worsening dramatically. If he hadn't done it he would have lost that little credibility that remained to her.
Do not blame them, who also think only of their biased interests and perhaps mostly Americans.
Prendiamocela with ourselves, with being “italiano”, with being ready only to ask for help and demand without giving.
We need to innovate, for example, a motto “until the boat goes ….” do not let it sink.