carcinogenic dusts found in two vaccines analyzed
I received from the company REPORT – n° 45/2017 the Nanodiagnostics Ltd. .
E’ L’ laboratory analysis of two vaccines Infanrix e PRIORIX Tetra, commissioned by a businessman who wanted to remain anonymous despite having paid thousands of euro ( effettivamente fa bene perché potrebbe subire ritorsioni, and thank him).
Il rapporto è di 68 pages, and in the analysis of the content of those specific packages, They highlight the presence of many particle size of less than or equal to 2,5 micron , of which many are composed of substances incompatible with the human body.
The report concludes on page 64 with this phrase:
“Per la loro tossicità le polveri di dimensione pari o inferiore ai 2,5 micron sono già state definite dall’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità e dall’Agenzia Internazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro (IARC)* Carcinogenic class 1, that is sure to tumors inductors.“
Nelle note il documento che asserisce la cancerogenicità certa di queste particelle viene indicato come
Press release n. 221/17-10-2013 – International Agency for Research on Cancer – World Health Organization
Si noti che la cancerogenicità è indipendente dalla composizione di queste particelle, reported in the relationship, but from the size of the same. Ma a questa cancerogenicità si deve aggiungere quella che può essere derivante dalla composizione , plus all the consequences arising from biological interference from these substances, per lo più ad oggi sconosciute.
E’ impossible and unscientific claim that this material is harmless when injected.
E’ false to affirm their security, è anzi probabile, according to science, that those who receive it will suffer serious damage over time.
On the basis of these findings, those children who fall ill from cancer over the years ?
They know the answer Burioni and the Lorenzin ?
For the precautionary principle should withdraw these products for analysis: lo farà il ministro ? Or they will simply put the thing over in silence by some bureaucratic trick?
Who should pay now ?
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