I am Venetian, I do not pay taxes to the state !
I presented a “ruling” the tax office. The question is a sort of appeal with question value, which can be used when there is a legal doubt.
Obviously, the suspicion must be based, arising from contradictory laws, or as in this case, when a court ruling creates a possible interpretation of the law that goes against common practice to date. just as an example, The recent sentence of the Constitutional Court in Merti per VAT on waste is one of these situation, and the taxpayer can present a “ruling” to individual municipalities to valare his right.
In my case, which can be followed by each Veneto, I ask the Revenue Agency for the recognition of the fact that the Venetians already have in the laws the right to tax self -government, and to the territory of Lombardy, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia have the rights of the municipalities of Livigno and Campione, who do not pay taxes to the state. Especially since a sentence of the Venice Court has created an objective condition of doubt since the judge, pronouncing the “ABSOLUTE FAILURE OF JURISDICTION” He in fact sanctioned that there is no certainty on the competencedello Status to collect the taxes, which also happens to Livigno and Campione, which are territories of the Republic but does not state.
They are beyond 10 years that I support these things, but now there are all legal to demand these rights dowels.
Presenting ruling , the taxpayer also proposes a solution according to its reading of the law.
If the agency does not respond, The proposed solution will be considered valid. Otherwise the taxpayer will have to comply with the solution that the agency will communicate , but it cannot be sanctioned or aggravated or fined.
So in my questioning waiting for the answer, I DO NOT PAY TAXES the Italian State, Because I will have to pay them to the institution of self -government and I could not do it if I pay taxes today to the Italian state.
This is not a “provocation” but a legal initiative dl completely legitimate
For those who want the appeal it is made up of sun 3 pages, using the standard template given by the tax office.
The legal reasons are the basis of the claim are the result of 10 years of studio work, Digging in the laws, of appeals, the peaceful and legal action to enforce these rights, also of exposure to various investigations, all stored by demonstrating legality.
Here are summarized the legal foundations (more detail in the appeal-appeal are explained):
1) For art.2 Law n.340/1971 the “people Venetian” He has the right to “self-government”
2) for the law n.289 / 1986, the right to self-government includes the right of management of finances
3) for the law n.881 / 1977, the Venetian people have the right to manage their land, their finances and make their own laws
4) the earlier rights were also recognized by the Veneto Regional Council in 1998, and yet the Constitution Court ruled with 365/2007 judgment that it is not the agencies “region” represent “peoples”
5) to the plebiscite of the 1866 for the annexation of the Lombard kingdom- Veneto to the Kingdom of Italy did not have the opportunity to vote on the Lombards and the majority of the Venetians, invalidating the result by international law but also for the Italian right time
6) IN THE REFERENDUM 1946 to choose between monarchy and republic, It was not allowed to vote to Italian citizens in Istria, Dalmatia, Ionian islands etc., But even the provinces of Udine,Pordenone, Belluno, Bolzano etc. making ineffective the referendum result
7) on the basis of the above, the Court of Venice has been unable to prove “jurisdiction” Italian on the Lombard-Venetian, and pronouncing “ABSOLUTE FAILURE OF JURISDICTION” recognized that the Italianness of Lombardy-Veneto is doubtful, namely that both “state territory” italiano
8) for DPR 633/1972 Sull’ VAT, it pays in “state territory”, And the Lombard Veneto is certainly not it
9) articles for the Italian constitution 2 E 10 , human rights, approved economic and social to the people as the Venetian precedence over national law, as recognized by Cass Pen 21/3/1975
10) The self -government of the Venetian people was practiced since 1999, and the judiciary of Padua, VENEZIA, Treviso and other saw no crime in this.
11) the self-governing institutions of the Venetian people are entitled by law n.881 / 1977, the right to land management and finance.
I wrote to the tax office, that since there is a legitimate doubt about who the entity is entitled to receive the payment of taxes according to the legislation, for the moment I do not pay anything, and then, If there is no denial of this right, I will pay the self -government of the Venetian people as per art.2 L.N.340 /1971 and L.n.881 / 1977.
Possibly, the taxpayer's statute and the appeal, predict that there will be no sanctions!
Moreover, The silence of the agency will also give consent to what I affirmed.
And I am sure that the agency cannot deny human and constitutional rights that are up to the Venetians without exposing themselves to the international conviction.
However, the appeal is individual and will not mark a precedent valid for everyone, in theory, But in practice it will be.
then, in the meantime, those who get interpellation to suspend the payment of taxes without penalties.
Before or afterwards it will be necessary to recognize that the Italian state perceives taxes from the Venetians illegitimately for its own laws.
The state remains standing at the expense of human rights and bursars of the Venetians , that is, violating the Constitution .
in conclusion, missing 120 days to pay the taxes to the self -government of the Veneto people.
Send this information to businesses in crisis !
Who wants to appeal-ruling, call me at the number 347 1416187
Loris Palmerini
3 December 2009 @ 10:02
STANDING OVATION 2 Mr. palmerini 4 ever & ever.
HARD Initiative, PRAGMATICA, vera, , And so, …….REVOLUTIONARY !!!!.
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