wealthy, young and educated …… sono i novax
C’è qualcosa che dovrebbe far riflettere i vaccinisti: è apparsa poco tempo in un importante TG una statistica sugli antivaccinisti, generically called “novax”, which proved that their qualification was above average and who are educated, the upper middle class, and even young. By mistake I linked to this article a page from the misleading title that seemed in tune.
I'm not rich, I am not even young, maybe they are cultured, so the investigation does not represent me, if anything, I can say that they are still mentally young. But if I were a pro-vax I would ask: why they are not with the poor, the old and non-acculturated?
I would ask: come mai i pro-vax sono gli stessi che mangiano junk food mentre i pro-vax curano di più l’alimentazione ?
Want to see that the populace did not understand anything about vaccines ?