A small test of intelligence for venetisti There are Lorigno, Stepfather, overreached, Gianlocco, Ludoperdo, Alecco and Lucagno who all have the ideal of making the potato more available to the poor.
The Russian communism did 60-80 million deaths, non 20, then add the Chinese dead, e ne esce il più grande massacro della storia, pure evil. “How many total were the victims in the Soviet Union? According to the allegations
I too am a citizen of the world, cittadino di una collettività ecc ecc. … poi però la realtà è un ‘altra, and I find that my sacrifices are exploited to fuck. Insomma può pure essere che io abbia simpatia per una certa idea, ma poi scopro che è l’altro che non ha la stessa idea, […]
UCC, on the other hand, is only a proposal for a commercial code to which each US state has given differentiated adhesion “freedom” with the absence of a state, that is, with the absence of rules and taxes. UCC, on the other hand, is only a proposal for a commercial code to which each US state has given differentiated adhesion, and every state is ultimately a problem. They often define themselves “liberals” but I prefer to consider their aspiration like “anarchist”. AND, […]
in 2012 I published a book explaining that the referendum “regional” per l’indipendenza del Popolo Veneto non è possibile, lining up all legal issues. Non mi si è voluto ascoltare, e così si è arrivati alla batosta della bocciatura della proposta. Then in September 2013 I also emphasized that the statute […]