Characters ridiculous looking for another's fame
I speak of Gabriele De Pieri, one of those characters who make the Venetian panorama sad and explain why the Venetians, already legally free, in fact remain servants.
I begin from his appearance to the convention of the newspaper independence, and Jesolo, THE 27 May 2012: They are there and I see De Pieri climbing on stage after about 2 years that luckily I have nothing to do with it .
It rises on stage and tells that the sovereignty of the Venetian Republic has never ceased, that the resolution of the major council of the 12 May 1797 it was invalid because the legal number was missing, And then he says that he represents the government of that Venetian Republic who still has sovereignty (that is, the doge would be ?) . Indeed, continues the boss, “their” They have the Venete identity cards, that are legally valid, so much so that it shows a fine just taken. He says that his documents were used in his identification “Venetian” , and that even if that fine is nothing, because the policeman is without authority, At the same time the use of the document “Veneto” shows that even the carabinieri know they have no authority, He says cops also know.
Actually one “cop” It can also safely use the subscription of the bus or cinema to identify a person, This does not mean that the same values as identity documents.
Regarding the 12 May, I have already explained elsewhere that there was no legal number, and that however the war was lost, so there was no great thing to be discussed if you don't yield it.
But what's true and sensible in what De Pieri said? And who is De Pieri?
a bit’ its history.
in 2005 De Pieri paraded at the Feast of the Venetians of Cittadella wearing a “uniform” of the Venetian police, which had been established (but not regulated) from the self -government of the Venetian people.
The organization “Self-Government of the Venetian People”, proposed by me since 1997 and put into action by me 1999, is based on the law of the Veneto people to self -government and self -determination. De Pieri enrolled in the registry of the Venetian people, The National Registry of Venetian citizens, and recognizes his government, and his court.
At the beginning of the de Peri, the organization is sporadically, but never pointed out the existence of some other government. Rather, in 2005 represents it in the square.
In the same 2005 LIFE men contact Palmerini, they ask him to write an appeal which is then presented in the 2006 to Venice. in 2008 the Court of Venice sentences the “ABSOLUTE FAILURE OF JURISDICTION”. With self -government and with Life De Pieri he has an appeal to Strasbourg to make sovereignty valact, but the appeal is left to lapse by Quaglia.
In March 2009, in the second self-government elections, De Pieri gets elected to the Shareholders' Meeting of the Venetian people (the Venetian parliament , one of the 3 self-government institutions) and becomes a parliamentarian.
In the following months many irregularities are highlighted in the Quaglia and Bortotto government, so in August De Pieri promoted, along with other 3 membership, of the special convocation of the Assembly, that the 29 August declares Quaglia and all his acolytes decayed and forfeited for life.
But always in August 2009, De Pieri addresses the president of the Veneto People's Court, Loris Palmerini, to get help. His problem is that he has been reported and an investigation hangs. According to the Italian judiciary, he attempted to run over a policeman, after insulting him and after praising the massacre of Nassiria with “10,100,1000 Nassiria”. Unfortunately also the local policeman who was about to invest is known to be easily irascible.
in conclusion, recognizing the People's Court of Veneto as its judiciary, and recognizing a certain Quail as head of the government, he turns to Palmerini to defend himself from Italian justice.
Together we go to his lawyer, and for about 2 hours I explain the meaning of the numerous pages already sent to him, concerning the Venetian self-government right, Venetian sovereignty, the Venetian People's Court, The sovereignty of the state of the Venetias on the Lombardy-Veneto, all things that have a precise legal foundation and that were already largely present in the appeal 2006 made for Life, but also earlier in other appeals presented by Palmerini himself.
I explain to De Pieri's lawyer what can be done according to international laws, and how to disavow the Italian judge as not “natural” also according to Italian laws, also in that the right of self -government implies the non -naturalness of the Italian judge. De Pieri was then not of the idea of some other stupid who believes that Italian law to parade the ass serves to recognize the state: the contractor serves precisely to make it known that the Venetians have the right to Venetian judges, and this based not only on international laws, but according to the same laws of the Italian state!
Still around some ignorant people talk about these actions because “impure”, but they are only part of human misery that always derives from ignorance. We must be merciful, Pretending that everyone understands certain legal subtleties would be even more stupid.
in conclusion, returning to De Pieri, The lawyer agrees to submit an application in which De Pieri asks to be tried by the court of the Venetian people and disavow the Italian judge.
The appeal does not actually constitute anything new, the same palmerini in 2008 had filed an almost identical appeal (he had been falsely denounced by Digos and police for facts in which he actually asked for the application of the Constitution !!!)
De Pieri in September, after voting for the Quaglia ward, he tries to get himself elected head of government, and instead Palmerini wins by 1 month had announced the resignation as President of the Court after 10 years of service.
However, it happens that after others 2 months the newspapers give a lot of visibility to De Pieri's appeal: titled articles “The Italian judge disowns”. As said, this appeal had nothing special, but already explained elsewhere that Italian newspapers give visibility only to alloccies that serve to divide the front and mystify reality, especially if fragile people who easily create problems with movement.
In fact when in 2009 The newspaper articles come out he changes personality, He believes he is the architect of the initiative, for a while’ he also says he wrote the appeal, claims that that's sack flour. Maybe because for the first time he understood what he is doing (But it is because someone has made it clear to him), he believes it is all thanks to him.
Instead of thanking the self-governing institutions and the ten-year work of others, begins to claim to be recognized head of government, Rather, absolute. It goes so far as to physically threaten Palmerini, from which he wants his resignation, but it gets nothing.
Then seek satisfaction from Quaglia, who also believes and claims to be the architect of the appeals of the 2006, and De Pieri only manages to check that he is recognized as president of the “Republic of Padua”. E’ so that it ends in the newspapers in 2010 When he gets denounced again for submitting a self -produced identity document.
Then in 2011 , when Quaglia and Bortotto have now quarreled and divided into 2 movements, De Pieri decides that instead not, The real government is his, founded even in 1997 !
Let's stop for a moment. The appeal of the 2009 it is in Padua, can be recovered, shows that De Pieri in the 2009 recognized the self -government of the Venetian people and its institutions, and indeed he had been doing it for years.
Because today he speaks of a government of the Serenissima born in the 1997?
He betrayed the “his” Government for a while’ of years, also recognizing the institutions of Autogoverno in the face of Italy?
That it is all an invention is also demonstrated by the fact that he declares that he has had the recognition of the UN, when it comes to a simple shipping stamp , and it proves nothing.
Returning to 2012 When De Pieri is on stage and fears his republic, Unfortunately evidently does not know that the day before in the morning of Padua there was the news that the Padua prosecutor had started one of the trials against him and he had asked 1 year of prison without parole. E’ the process that refers to when in 2009 he had insulted a policeman and threatened to run him over with a truck.
So evidently the Italian judiciary has no particular respect even for the “DOGE” of the Venetian Republic, as well as for the president of the Self-government Tribunal of the Veneto People.
Or there is another story that explains everything.
De Pieri's rise to the chronicles and the birth of his government are in connection with this story of the threat to the policeman.
Returning to the Venetian Republic unfortunately since 2000 I asked everyone to demonstrate the affirmation of the existence of a legal number necessary for the session of 12 May 1797: nobody ever presented the law (this “part” ) that would prove it.
Moreover, The fact is that according to Maranini, historical maximum on the Venetian constitution, it was not the Greater Council that deliberated peace or war, but the Senate. The Senate had already surrendered the day before the greatest advice. Unfortunately this is the truth.
In any case, at that time the states won in the war became the conqueror's legal possession, with lots of goods and citizens. E’ true that Venice was neutral, But it is possible to return to the legally Venetian Republic ?
E’ It is possible to request the return of sovereignty to the UN? My answer is no, I hope I'm wrong, But peoples have the right to their sovereignty only starting from 1840 (if someone shows me that I'm wrong I would be happy!).
Moreover, the Venetian Republic in 1815 was transformed into “Lombard-Veneto Kingdom”, which is the legal continuation.
What can be done, And that's what we are doing, And that's what he will succeed, It is to return to the sovereignty of Lombardy-Veneto, a state existed, invaded in 1866 from Italy.
To do this, no referendum is needed , we are raising money to make the international cause.
Unfortunately sorcerer's apprentices like De Pieri , Bortotto and quail, for them craving for power, have deviated the institutions from the path, and I confuse the Venetians by condemning them to paralysis. And the motives ? Who for megalomania, who for cultural and mental deficiency, who because in my opinion paid by the Italian Camorra (the government) To maintain employment.
By now the Camorra has resigned to the idea that we will return sovereign, but then try to pass on the concept that we must make a referendum and pay us the public debt : it is not’ vero. We are already sovereigns, we have been an invaded state in 1866, we are entitled to the return of the stolen money.
returning to De Pieri, I am sorry that some articles have psychically destabilized him, it can be seen that his previous defects were serious, but of course it is simply ridiculous that today you speak of a government of 1997 when until 2009 he recognized the institutions of self-government and asked to be tried by them also to the Italian judiciary.
Another ridiculous statement by De Pieri is that it is necessary to give up Italian citizenship to obtain recognition. just as an example, There are numerous Algerian citizens who after independence have maintained French citizenship and for this reason they went to France in the following, and the same thing for the many Indians who are in England. Legally more citizens can be accumulated
Another ridiculous statement by De Pieri is that I, Loris Palmerini, I am the son of NN as demonstrated by my surname : apart from the racism that this implies ( he would burn the gypsies, Jews and Negroes, even if the Romanians are the ones he considers the worst ) , I have a long lineage ascertained by 4 generations, That is, in addition to Veneto, they have always been of excellent lineage without any of the sorts and with numerous cases of personal success in many sectors, entrepreneurs, artisans, researchers, senior executives, hard workers, consultants etc. etc.. My surname derives from the fact that the hunger brought by the Savoy forced my ancestors to put their son in the wheel of the exposed, however, they always maintained ties and knew each other .
Finally, De Pieri's most stupid allegations are those on Segato and Ugolini.
Sawn itself in the book “letters from prison” published in 2009 wrote that the judiciary in the 2000 he wanted him to falsely accuse me, to connect me to the serenissimi. He didn't do it and wrote that for that “the magistrate sent me inside”. The detail is available on my site. When De Pieri says I had Segato arrested (accusations put first around by Quail) muddy the memory of Segato who instead made a heroic act, And he also had the elegance of not letting anyone know, not even to me, in the following years when we were friends and companions of the Veneto New Year. De Pieri is a petty when he says these things, muddies 2 patriots in one fell swoop, 2 persecuted by the Italian judiciary.
De Pieri put around lies about Palmerini that in 1997 he was an informer, but how come in 2000 the judiciary also wanted to persecute him falsely? How did the informer of the Serenissimi do since nobody knew him? Why Palmerini did not attend any movement as stated by everyone but wanted to be heard by the magistrates ? The reason is obvious: Palmerini's purpose of being heard was another, that of bringing the right of self-government of the Venetian people to the Serenissimi trial, but he also remained unheeded by Serenissi's lawyers, (On the other hand, Italian lawyers swear loyalty to the Italian nation). How does De Pieri tell these nonsense in contrast to 15 years of Palmerini's work, as he did for De Pieri in 2009.
For other in 1997 Palmerini already had a complaint on his shoulders for “offenses against the prestige of the President of the Republic” as I had demonstrated the coup d'etat of the Broglio, Berlusconi ineligible (today on TV news ), see website , reported report because the coup d'état had already happened.
Even more curious fact than in 2002 Palmerini was beaten by the carabinieri, ending up in the hospital.
Even more curious fact is that Palmerini wrote the appeals for Quaglia and De Pieri (Bortotto does not deny the Italian state, much less his deputy who is urban policeman)
Even more curious fact, Palmerini in the 2011 was sentenced: pity that the facts reported by DIGOS are proven false by an audio recording that the judiciary has put on record but ignored, that is Palmerini was sentenced in the presence of innocence tests.
returning to De Pieri, said from the stage of Jesolo to have the recognition of foreign states , and also of the UN.
It would be nice. Unfortunately, the only recognition he showed around is a postal stamp at the UN of a request. As if sending a letter was an acknowledgment that the content is accepted by the recipient. unbelievable.
I spoke of De Pieri because in Jesolo gave credit to the idea that the Venetians are poor imbeciles who deserve to be buggered: until the De Pieri are around, the state will certainly make a weapon . E’ a fact to consider. I don't think I'll talk more about this character, I have no time to lose.
Unfortunately he insists on using the symbol of self-government institutions, the moeca, which is registered trademark.
29 June 2012 @ 08:08
MAH… many offenses, little evidence