There is no movement (or committee) National Liberation Veneto
International law allows the birth of Liberation Movements but only when there are the following conditions :
1) The government is recognized as non -democratic by other states
2) the government pursued at least part of the population, violating human rights, other states recognize that the population is considered to be unjustly oppressed
3) there must be a war, ie shootings, massacres, bomb, terrorism etc.
4) an armed group declares liberation movement and responds to violence with weapons
In these conditions it is the right of the International Community of States to recognize a liberation movement as legitimate. In fact, however, an MLN is recognized only when it is confatting to international interests, which is contrary to the interests of the population every time there are resources to be exploited.
Outside of the conditions laid, the liberation movements that use violence are called “terrorists”.
I do not think that the conditions currently in the Lombardo-Veneto legitimize the birth of a movement or Liberation Committee, therefore there is no movement or Liberation Committee.
For more , only those who declare themselves at Aggregation Veneta (or to the Veneto Population Registry) They can declare themselves legally Venetians, the others are subversors of both international and Italian legality. The exercise of’ self -determination of the Veneto people began in 1999, not when someone began to copy the legal path in order to enrich themselves and to create chaos among the Venetians sent them to the massacre in the courts.
Loris Palmerini
PS 15 October: as a result of my post , He wrote me a person citing the definition of “Committee” Treccani and that of Wikipedia
And then it makes me question “killer” : “Now you've read all, committees exist or not?!”
I do not know which of the two definitions should be worth something legally (of course no), but I answered anyway:
What has the conception of “Committee” the Italian domestic law with international law connect to MLN? Allow that confusion already says everything.
If you want to make a committee or a political party or an Italian bowling and call this stuff MLN ….. you might as well do it, but you can call it even “my grandmother in wheelbarrow” And it would not change the fact that it is not an MLN in an international sense.
There is no international MLN Veneto, And there is no some national liberation committee in the sense of international law that you say to recall because the conditions provided for its birth and recognition are not there (Luckily).