No seizure of Zaia in progress
In commenting the story of Luciano Franceschi, Recatted in the Bank reinforced, The newspapers have in various ways combined my name and that of’Self-Government of the Venetian People, who actually have nothing to do with it.
Yet from the first news of the fact I have warned the newspapers and anyone from setting ourselves to Franceschi, since he has not played any role in the organization since August 2009, era in which it was declared fallen and interdicted for life together with Quaglia and Bortotto for some administrative irregularities (statutory and tax for quail). And moreover, since then there has been no relationship anymore, Not even an effective phone call or an email, with Franceschi, except a fax in the 2011 For a court case that saw me condemned me (while he was acquitted without even presenting himself).
But I imagined that, having proposed and founded self -government in 1999 Together with Franceschi and Giuseppe Segato, The newspapers would try to approach him to muddy with the arms issue, As already happened in 2009 In relation to the investigations on the Venetian Połisia of Bortotto and Quaglia, with which, Also in that case, we had nothing to do.
Unfortunately, the great confusion was born in 2009, and first hit the Treviso police headquarters, Because Bortotto and Quaglia, although radiated by the self -government of the Venetian people in August 2009, they continued to declare themselves in the media representatives of the self -government of the Veneto people, (false social communications, usurpation etc.), Quail, madly, he continues to assert himself such even with the evidence that no one recognizes this title.
The name of the institutions was muddied with parades in uniform in Cittadella, thus making the investigation into the Venetian Połisia intensify already inzed in May 2009 When Quaglia and Bortotto had invented and implemented this “police”, declaring that he wants to do it, but whose organization or armament self -government had never resolved (and not even later).
Note that the MLNV, which is now linked to Połisia and affirms its paternity, It was founded only subsequently to those made by Bortotto, which therefore perhaps had a double organization, But that certainly in his life he sworn allegiance to Italy, then working for self -government recognizing its institutions, But at the same time proposing the use of armaments inside (refused by the Assembly in June 2009) and finally founding the liberation movement that fortunately the states could legally recognize only in the event of an armed war (that we believe will never be realized).
After my useless warning of this 11 February to associate us with the Franceschi affair, I kept the silence by releasing a declaration in the morning of Padua only the day 14 February, also because I knew nothing about it.
In the interview I did not actually enter the matter, I just talked about Franceschi's human profile, For me unrecognizable in current actions, Because in the many years of attending we have never talked to arm ourselves, nor of the possible use of armaments (at least until in the 2009 propose it BORTOTTO), so I said that this “turning” of Franceschi perhaps must be sought in the last years of serious difficulties of the same, Even or perhaps above all caused by the serious loss of his wife. Or, I declared, since never Franceschi or others have been authorized by self -government to declare themselves “general” police,There is just a general, Perhaps some of the groups of Treviso who have instead shown sympathy for this mode of struggle or organization, they made him believe they have this title , but of them, I repeated, I had known absolutely nothing for years as for Franceschi.
The journalist asked me in particular to those who refer me, But saying that I don't refer to anyone of particular, I was clear that in the newspapers of the 2009 There was also talk of a seizure project in Zaia ( My reference was what had been said then by the newspapers, for example ) , and that perhaps in some group of Treviso he would have found who had made Franceschi believe they were “general”.
To the dresses of traps, The phone call was recorded, and instead, equally, In the newspaper it appeared that I would have affirmed the existence of a seizure project current of Zaia. Because of this “oversight” of the journalist, The day 15 I was called by 3 journalists, All to look for my connections or news with a seizure, of which I obviously limited myself to repeating that I did not know anything and that in the interview I was talking about the articles of the 2009 And I limited myself to saying what I had read in the newspapers of the 2009, pure specificandolo.
E’ completely evident that the newspapers still have today, as from 2009, interest in associating me and the self -government of the Venetian people with events of violence and weapons, or seizure, evidently sells, But they are things that we have no need, nor is our institutions based on the law and already in the middle of large results achieved.
Now I read from the Bortotto website that, Taking out of the newspapers that I have not done from the newspaper, I slander me as he did since 2009 When wanted that the government unanimously expressed on its armament strategy and also the assembly, He is defeating soundly in both cases, although lying about the evidence of what he wanted to do. But according to the press, It is clear that he later made that intent with the MLNV.
but yet, Bortotto, Since the lies of lies accuses (and on this I agree) It should also imagine that slanders are scattered towards anyone annoying in power, And for this reason I am attributed to me not called, actions not done, and unfortunately Various Gentaglia Association, as with the Polisia del 2009, while those who are stupidly useful are uncensized, And you can add the pages dedicated to Quaglia, And for this I don't explain why Bortotto made the cover of the Espresso (Unless these served to enhance some imbeciles that followed the incense in the Polisia strategy and then make a group complaint).
E’ In short, evident that Bortotto escaped once again the opportunity to keep silent: He says he doesn't believe the newspapers, but recognize them truth if this serves to copy Palmerini .
Bortotto is a character of many flags, Easy to slander and anger, who muddied self -government, ending up arguing even with that quail that had so pushed to found the Połisia, but then abandon him and disavow him when he no longer needed for his aims of “government”.
Similarly to Bortotto he lost l’ Occasion of silence Gabriele De Pieri, who seems to have forgotten that in 2009 It was he with together with 3 Other members, to ask for the meeting of the Assembly who made quail decay, Bortotto and the others, voting in favor together with Pegorin and others. And that this year ended in the newspapers because he wanted the trial in the court of the Venetian people that he recognized.
Certainly he has forgotten it as he says he is part of a “Nasionae Government” born in 1997 and that nobody knew, Which would happen as he held important roles in the self -government of the Venetian people, even applying for the role of President of the Government (losing the elections I won), To then pass under the “guide” of quail that recognized him as president of the state of Padua, To then abandon him too …….
There is also quail that has given up today to the occasion to keep silent, From the Life site he still declares himself president of the self -government of the Venetian people, role that neither the newspapers, Nor Bortotto, nè of perishes, Nor Gardin, nor the legitimate assembly recognize him ….. So he is the president of nothing, But finally he has all the powers as he demanded in 2009…
evidently, they feel the need to muddy my name, How teenagers contest the father's authority to affirm their person, However, forgetting that I was the one who first, since 1997, has shown to the Venetians who exist real rights of the Venetian people who are denied but can already be exercised today, although I failed miserably in many cases. In fact, with them I have not been able to make the way to exercise these rights understand, The cultural and legal foundation of the thing, and on the other hand perhaps it was not possible by escaping them international law, And today, making each other on the Venetian Republic, which is legally transformed (“success”) in the Lombard-Veneto kingdom, and that cannot be restored as it is.
But evidently with them one could only fail, Because although in their writings you see integral clips of materials copied by my works, What they thought of doing is to declare themselves “government” After signing to recognize the self -government of the Veneto people. And this is a fact that should make them understand “quality” human and the validity of their slander, and above all their true intent and psychic need.
They are characters that a few years change flags, perhaps in the eternal search for an absent existential sense.
At least on the contrary, I do not change flags and organizations. I founded in 1999 The self -government of the Venetian people within which I chaired the court for 10 years, and from 2009 I am president of his government, and I never did any “deviation” or confusion , With linearity and transparency I have always recognized the right of self -government, also in the political activity with Venetie for the autogoverno that I have founded and which naturally recognizes the Venetian institutions, Obviously a party totally censored by the media also under elections. However, over time the truth is emerging increasingly clear, because each one highlights with their own actions. And above all because we are bringing home striking results that will demonstrate the substance of people.