The purges in Istria:Anti-fascism used to cover the crimes Titina
According to theL’ Archbishop of Zagreb, Croatian Cardinal Josip Bozanic, l’antifascismo Croato maschera la pulizia etnica Titina.
All shareable, but we must not forget that Croats Ustacia, during the war, were allies of fascists and Germans, sharing the philosophy and actions, indulging in equally serious genocides.
I wonder: is the earth “cleaned” sono oggi nelle mani di chi non è finito a Norimberga per uno scherzo della “Policy” , what sense does the story ? And the word “Justice” ? Yet, con che legittimità i fascisti di ieri, Italian and Croatian, now discuss the issue of compensation lands that they themselves have battered along with communists ?When will the trial on genocide committed in World War II ? Apply only those of Bosnia ?
30 August 2007 @ 22:21
Sono pienamente d’accordo. Italy, unlike Germany, did not do enough to terms with its past. E con lei l’Austria nazistificata e altre nazioni vassalle del disegno hitleriano