1. Arturo
    17 July 2009 @ 14:20

    On many points I do not agree, two yes:
    1. L’unità d’Italia e la Repubblica italiana sono opera delle loggie massoniche, mostly English. For example Giuseppe Mazzini had gone up to London on the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite. Lo stemma dell’odierna repubblica è, as the American banknotes, il suggello dell’opera massonica. Today Prodi, Padoa Schioppa, Tremonti, the young Elkann, Mari Monti and Franco Bernabe are members of the Bilderbergers. Prodi has been for a long time even a member of the stearing Commitee. And those on the left had chosen him for prime minister charged! La madre delle più grosse imbecillità è effettivamente sempre incinta. Berlusconi today is so clever that falls in the traps of Freemasonry, mostly English, che vuole la rovina e totale sottomissione dell’Italia. Country must be populated by waiters and shoeshine tourists.
    2.The Vatican policy, refers to the papacy Pacelli, It is all to re-write. They left to die millions of Jews, hanno imposto all’Italia la DC, with all its turncoats and traitors. De Gasperi, former deputy to Vienna, It focused for the Tyrol, German land 1500 anni ed ha mollato l’Istria e la Dalmazia. Terre these more Veneto in Vicenza and Padua. La Dc ed il PCI sono come l’asso di spade: fidar not about me if you lack heart.
    Vediamo come và a finire l’imminente guerra che sarà orchestrata per annullare i debiti extra-terrestri fin qui accumulati dai liberatori. Poi si parlerà di nuovi assetti territoriali dell’Italia. I am and will remain for Carlo Cattaneo.
    A voice like hers, anche se se non si è d’accordo, it's necessary. It is the beauty of pluralism. Wishes.


  2. Camry
    16 December 2008 @ 16:02

    Fantastic's reconstruction…It is missing a small detail but from 1933 Al 1945 I'm wrong, or something happened? Io oltre a ‘sti discorsi che vanno solo in una direzione mi sono letto anche un po’ of written texts of the unfortunate communist eaters children,infoibatori etc etc etc this is a very addictive piece: http://www.unive.it/media/allegato/dep/n7/Interviste/Gombac_a.pdf


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