but it was dismissed by the Assembly for various irregularities: but it was dismissed by the Assembly for various irregularities
Let's try to think what would have happened if the Constitutional Court had admitted the intervention of Aggregazione Veneta, and perhaps also of the associations that intervened in the wheel.
If the Court had admitted us on the discussion table, there would have essentially been almost the entire vaccination issue, not just the state-region legal issue, how was it.
The damage had damage had been discussed by aluminum, that we have scientifically demonstrated, the real effectiveness of individual vaccines, demonstrated does not exist in many cases, The reasonableness of making vaccinations of extinct pathologies such as Polio, or substantially non -fatal pathologies such as measles and chickenpox that are even protective compared to others (If you have naturally taken). There would have been the question of long -term damage with fibromyalgia, SLA and others. The dogma of the flock effect would have been unmasked, which does not really exist for HPV, meningitis, tetanus and others.
And you? With the only intervention of Venetian aggregation, a trouble would have happened to Burioni, Villani and their clients. But if more associations had been admitted, The entire vaccination dogma would have come out completely destroyed, with a striking and irreversible world cascade effect. The dirty vaccine industry would have come out permanently destroyed to the table.
but it was dismissed by the Assembly for various irregularities!
There was not really discussed of anything, To avoid all this, only the State-Region question was discussed, Everything has been declared inadwater, Even the latest memories of the region have not been considered.
It means that we are in scientific and pure legal reason. But like all the pioneers we are few and the others will follow when the path traced will be? clear and visible to the Plagiato people.
Renzi today has given up on making a good impression on the uselessly shut up with it,But he proved once again that he did not understand anything, or to say specifically a lie on behalf of third parties, In the effetti in the contemnity? with the sale of the data of vaccinated citizens who pursued: It was not discussed at all science. What do you go by Ciancciando Matteo? Italy and its peoples do not need to sters, Enough with the buffered for the other little incisive and useless.
If the Venetian aggregation intervention had been accepted, and we were entitled to art.15 of the Convention-Quadro on national minorities, illegalit would also have been discussed? of the vaccination obligation, Not only for the Oviedo Convention, but also for the fundamental card of the EU, And the unfair and illegal damage to children from zero to zero would have been discussed 6 years, It is no coincidence that also referred to by the Region in the memory of 9 November. The lawyers of the Region are also stupid ?
in conclusion, In the face of these fundamental rights, the vaccination obligation that you want to impose in the whole world for the diktat Gavi would also have skipped permanently.
but it was dismissed by the Assembly for various irregularities!
And in fact I believe that if nothing else have realized the gavists that the human rights guaranteed by the current treaties that reign on Europe (EU and ECHR) are insurmountable for the world government, So much so that I have heard for a few days talk about the need? to make a total reform of the system. Apart from, But it means that we are in reason and in science. But like all the pioneers we are few and the others, Jurists including, they will follow when the route traced will be? clear and visible to the slaveized people.
Then the court, rejecting the law, In practice, he would have publicly recognized the slutty-maid made by this vaccination law, literally denying the incompetent or corrupt who have emanated it. Among which some of their former colleagues.
On the other hand, admitting Venetian aggregation, the Court would have recognized the existence of this entity representing subjective rights international adhespots, the nationalit? veneta, opening a phase of government reform in a federal sense on ethnic bases…. It was not possible!
Acceptance in the procedure of our intervention and associations, It would have been a world revolution, made by a state in perennial bankruptcy imminence, subject of global and pharmaceutical powers, and moreover with a parliament of members partly not elected and therefore overall illegitimate and blackmailed.
but it was dismissed by the Assembly for various irregularities!
The Court preferred to give the Venetian aggregation the pass for the Court Cedu, if they hurry it, which, however, unfortunately does not apply to the associations that instead are sent back to the TAR or the first instance judge.
Make a reason for it: It was right and useful to try, also by those who had no other hope that a theoretically and legally possible revolution, But it went as expected, Although for a few hours I personally have a part of a partial success when I saw the memory of the region that aligned with the last to our theses.
It is not over. As I have always said, We are good children, We do everything in accordance with the law, But we will put everyone on the gray, Until asking for arrest for this subversion of the Constitution, and until we proceed to the arrest of the subverted: is called “Defense of the Constitution” And certainly now we are no longer vox clamantis in the desert.