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Signature to protect minority languages ​​in the European Union
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Venetian Language, Policy
Europe is the continent of local languages, and human rights. Citizens of the European Union can propose a “initiative”, ie a proposal that a law be made By signing you ask the European Union to protect linguistic diversity, and shall prevail over state law. There is little time, hurry up, ask others to sign. Here to sign […]

Future slavery is being played out on vaccines
Bioethics, Human rights, economy, Vaccinations, Vaccines
Italy is based on a government that uses the emergency as a basic and main principle. Per esempio grazie all’emergenza delle scuole che crollano si è fatta una legge per snellire gli appalti, ed in realtà di scuole non se ne è sistemata manco una ma in compenso si possono truccare più facilmente gli appalti. For […]
It's not a good idea not to present anything to the school and the ASL on the vaccination position
Right, Justice, staff, Vaccines
I keep repeating that it is not a good idea to do nothing in response to the school's requests to supplement the documentation regarding the pupil's vaccination status. Doing nothing is not a good idea because in front of a judge, for fine, We have no concrete proof of having made choices […]

from the 10 March 2018 children 0-6 They will be able to attend nursery schools or kindergartens?
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Right, Vaccinations
Let's talk about “compulsory vaccination” and the recent precedent of some regions ( before the Friuli Venezia Giulia, now the Veneto) regarding the expiry of 10 March 2018. They call “skidding” and I have not checked if esisteno in other regions, if anything segnalatemele. What time limit ? Let's look at the law: art. 5 L.n.119/2017– Transitional and Final Provisions […]

For vaccines forced Emma Bonino and its movement disavow the right to abortion
Human rights, staff, Policy, Salute, Vaccines
In the site “More Europe”, movement headed by Emma Bonino, in data 15 February a comment appeared regarding the candidacy in their lists of certain Tutino. We read that “Tutino raises the issue of the human right not to vaccinate "one's" children”,: it is a position to be opposed without any reservations, primarily because i […]

The vaccination Religion does not admit infidels: Lorenzin wants censorship
Culture, Human rights, Information, staff, Policy, Science, Vaccinations
E’ needless to scramble to prove with science and with the logic that the tenets of a religion are unfounded. Infatti la Religione non è un discorso razionale, but an act of faith. For the “believer” those who question the dogmas of religion are simply the infidels, and by that very fact not […]
The Voice of the morning on Antenna 3 North East del 29 DECEMBER 2017
Human rights, Right, Information, staff, Science, TV and surroundings, Vaccinations, Vaccines
Compulsory Vaccination and informed consent, heavy metals in vaccines, Application to the President of the Republic on the Oviedo Convention, end of life, illegal elections of parliament…. These are some of the topics touched upon by Loris Palmerini in this broadcast on current affairs on the Oviedo Convention in particular

Application to the President of the Republic for the immediate deposit of the Ratification of the Oviedo Convention (informed consent)
Human rights, Right, Salute, Vaccinations
(If you want to deepen before signing, see this page) They can also sign residents without citizenship, as it is of international human rights. We citizens and residents (at the moment ), aware that human rights are inalienable and constitute the foundation of the legitimacy of the State and that they are protected by art. 2 of the Italian Constitution; considered […]
That's how it is artificially created the national debt and the crisis
Right, economy, finance and credit
In this video I unmasked as the national debt is a sham crafted, and the debt crisis in which we find ourselves is the fruit of a well-defined project. The mechanism of bank fraud and public debt that I made clear was later exploited by the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti […]