Today, March 1 2019 we asked the Presidency of the Republic for the conclusion of the petition which reveals l’ compulsory vaccination .
The vaccination obligation of law n°119/2017 ” Lorenzin” it is in fact one “fake news”, there is no actual vaccination requirement, because in the 2001 the Italian Parliament with law n° 145 ratified and implemented the Oviedo Convention, known as Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Human Dignity with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine. The only thing that the Lorenzin law implements is a system of blackmail towards those parents who are forced to send their children to state or approved nursery schools and kindergartens, but if they have alternatives are not obliged to vaccinate and can not be forced.
In fact it is not possible to force anyone to vaccinate or to get vaccinated because the Oviedo Convention recognizes that every “..intervention in the field of health can only be carried out after the person concerned has given free and informed consent.” which means that the “.. first of all, the person receives adequate information on the purpose and nature of the intervention and on its consequences and risks.” (art.5). These are “Human rights”, therefore inalienable under Article 2 of the Constitution: nor the state, nor the Collective can deny them, not even for public health reasons because there is the “Primacy of the human being” for which “The interest and the good of the human being must prevail over the sole interest of society or science.” (article 2 of the Oviedo Convention).
Because by ratified and enforceable international law every human being must consent to vaccination (for immature minor must consent parents) it is therefore obvious that legally there is no vaccination obligation, that of “law” Lorenzin is one “fake news”.
The Oviedo Convention prohibits other experiments on children, and instead currently vaccinations are also made experimentally, ie illegally, because there are alternative methods to experimentation, less risky, the Oviedo Convention in such cases prohibits experimentation because it is carried out on minors .
When in August 2017 we brought in the Constitutional Court the question of the Oviedo Convention, despite well as the Veneto Region adhered to our thesis in the memories added (but done only at the last and therefore belatedly), the Constitutional Court refused us participation in the proceedings thus avoiding dealing with the matter, but since we had the right to intervene in accordance with the Framework Convention on National Minorities, The Court has also violated that treaty. However, we have achieved the effect that the Government has become aware of the problem, He has quietly reintroduced in the signing of vaccination services “informed consent” who it was eliminated from the law unconstitutional Lorenzin. And then in fact it extended the deadline so that Lorenzin law was in practice ineffective. sure, There were individual cases of abuse, but Lorenzin herself has suspended the terms for the prohibition of access to state and certified infant-toddler centers and preschools.
Today when a parent brings a child to vaccinate you are asked to sign the Informed Consent, and if he does not sign it, the doctor cannot proceed (it would be a crime), therefore it is clear that there is no vaccination obligation. Reading well this module “consent” it turns out that there are risks of big trouble in vaccinate drugs being not entirely safe and in many case histories of individual type have not been tested and are also administered in no cases such as pregnant women. What damages and deaths from vaccine exists proves the record and the law of damages, today are many hundreds damaged compensated, but it is not at all easy to see the damage recognized although it is not rare at all. Where there has been mandatory reporting of damages, a number of cases have also been recorded 10 times higher.
The law n° 145 of the 2001 , in ratifying the Convention of Oviedo gave it “Full and entire run”, and is published in the Official Gazette, therefore it is a law that applies in the Italian territory, and by the fact 2001 various laws have also intervened which ordered the government to adapt or cancel internal laws that were no longer compatible.
Among these laws for implementation of the Oviedo Convention on the end of life, approved quickly and suddenly immediately after we took the matter to the Constitutional Court, ie at the end of 2017, because the Oviedo Convention already speaks of the end of life. In light of the Oviedo Convention cases like those of Eluana Englaro (of the 2009), or other, they had to be read and managed in a completely different way since 2001.
The law ratifying the 2001 has delegated to the President of the Republic the filing of the ratification with the Council of Europe but the Presidents since then have not fulfilled it by not respecting the parliament and the popular sovereignty it expresses, as well as international law. However, failure to file with the Council of Europe does not invalidate the Convention in the territory of the Italian Republic, and in any case in the countries of the Council of Europe the Convention has been in force since 1999. We are talking about human rights, therefore protected by Article 2 of the Constitution, but also referred to in Article 32 of the Constitution.
Anyway, given the existence of the Lorenzin law (n°119/2017) which contrasts with the Oviedo Convention, already in December, and again in June 2018 we have applied to the President of the Republic to deposit the instrument of ratification, namely that comply with the order by L.n.145 / 2001 . It is an administrative act, not political, no one can deny the human rights recognized by an international law ratified and enforced, and a high institution that did so would be in fact in violation of the Constitution for denial of human rights.
On the other hand, given that the Oviedo Convention is applied in the Italian territory by the law n°145 of the 2001, how was it possible that such a controversial and divisive law as the law n°119 of the 2007 that speaks of “compulsory vaccination”.
We have highlighted that the Lorenzin law is in violation of the articles 2, 3, 10, 31 c.2, 32 c.2, 33 c1, 34 E 37 c.1 of the Constitution, because it not only denies the rights of the Oviedo Convention, but also those of children, of mothers, families and workers. The law Lorenzin devastated entire families forced by economic circumstance to forcibly vaccinate, families or mothers who had financial resources and alternative solutions were less damaged. The law Lorenzin has forced large numbers of have-nots to vaccinate.
The application to the President of the Republic aims precisely to empower the institutions and those who validate the laws so that not only the Lorenzin law is wiped out, but also that there is no longer talk of compulsory vaccination for any child. This also applies to the DDL 770 in the course of processing.
Finally, there is no “compulsory vaccination”, it's a “fake news”, but it can have a blackmailing law, the law Lorenzin, that by discriminating and denying the rights to children and families prevents unvaccinated children from accessing state or certified infant-toddler centers and preschools.
The March 1 2019 we have sent a reminder for the President to complete the filing process, thus take note of the errors of the Lorenzin law, and the government takes over the issue of the discriminatory and illegal exclusion it produces. For this reason we have also sent the application and the reminder to the Presidency of the Council for information.
E’ important that every human being, for their own freedom, endorses the’ Instance sent to the President of the Republic, because the principle of the Oviedo Convention of the inviolability of the human body does not only concern vaccination, but also all proposals for mandatory microchip insertion . Also to be updated in Signature
Law No. 145 ratified and implemented the Oviedo Convention | 6 VIOLA
5 March 2019 @ 01:47
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