We hope to escape a government Veltroni
Se un qualunque genitore di Roma manda il figlio all’asilo, a private kindergarten, pay about 500 Euros per month. E’ folly, ma l’asilo si occupa di tutto.
The City of Rome, instead of making asylum and manage them directly, It found that cost much less to rent them, and savings on the expenditure, He has also decided to take him places in private kindergartens. E così anche il Comune di Roma ha preso in affitto dei posti come un privato, in short, as a parent any, and given to the needy people. The head of the town was very happy and pleased with the significant savings achieved with this system. Ma sapete qual’è la faccedenda? That instead of 500 Euro, like other parents, the town pays 80 Euros for the same private service!
As there was a physical law, Italy every good idea put into the hands of our prolitici always turns to shit, and here that the city of Rome pays well 800 Euro i posti all’asilo, while saving compared to the previous waste. It said on the broadcast report on Rai 3 of the 25 November 2007.
For more, because the places taken by the city are so many,under the market could also quietly negotiating a price below 500 Euro. But no. The City of Rome led by the much acclaimed Veltroni decided to throw money paying 1 and a half times what it pays for any parent.
But then, I say once that proponoveno well 12 Years ago: given the money to users who make do on their own, e faranno certo meglio dell’amministrazione !
Of course we must recognize that Veltroni (pictured when he was in PCI ) ora è gran un liberista. In fact not happy decided to increase competition also in the taxi service, increasing municipal licenses. but, as a good man of the left, siccome ci saranno più tassisti e dunque lavoreranno meno, It has decided to increase the rate, così che i tassisti guadagneranno gli stessi soldi di prima. What a genius! He manages to make everyone happy.
Tranne gli utenti che saranno danneggiati dalle tariffe più alte.
Il risultato finale sarà che grazie a Veltroni a Roma ci saranno ancora più persone sottoimpiegate e semi assistite, i assist. Gli utenti pagaranno di più, e se il comune incasserà di più dalle licenze, nice to be doing the budget, best for the City.
Veltroni è un genio, He invented the socialist liberalism, ie the liberalism that produces the same effects of real socialism.
Se si prosegue così l’italia potrebbe rimpiangere perfino il socialismo reale originale, that at least everyone knew how things were and were not being taken for a ride.
Qualcuno dirà: “God forbid a government led by the same principles.”
Purtroppo è troppo tardi, we're in.
From the Sunday episode report 25 November 2007 (I recommend viewing accompanied by 2 digestive bitters), everything comes out a cooperative system headed by the center-left and the works companies. What are the catholic-communists ?
In practice the coop do not pay taxes, and instead of turning over the benefits to members , in fact they are the first to exploit their associated underpaying even compared to the normal market rates. E’ evidente che il sistema delle cooperative è deviato dagli scopi costituzionali ed è meglio eliminarlo del tutto piuttosto che conservarlo così. Anche perché genera precariato.
In short, the left decided not to lose votes by increasing the working poor, exploiting her first.
Who could ever change this crazy system? The center left the same ? Impossible.
Sarà allora il Centro Destra appena sceso dal governo ? perhaps, se non gli capita da fare un altro grande inciucio sulle banche come l’ultima volta.
you see, non c’è via di scampo.
The parties are always the same people, their, changing the name and colors, but autoeleggono and autoassolvono. Moreover the old parties do not disappear, e continuano a percepire i rimborsi elettorale per anni anche quando non si ripresenta più !!
To think of the armed revolution , sebbene io la rifiuti per una questione di opportunità, ma vorrei convincere i sostenitori che comunque essa non è possibile, anche perché loro (caste) coglierebbero l’occasione per mascherarsi da rivoluzionari essi stessi , so scrub the revolutionaries and gain from rebuilding.
Considerando che il paese è in bancarotta, the reason it that no remnants 1 sola possibilità: the division of the former country Italy, they themselves have destroyed, and the restoration of the old pre-unification states.
Bet Rai Reports 25 November 2007
22 December 2007 @ 12:19
AND, it happened after the war: many EX, They are claiming to be partisans. The country turncoats.
Concerning “all’azzeramento”, sarei d’accordo, but I'm sure even so, everything would return as before.
another topic, for a serious electoral reform, the elimination of “Senators for Life” that does not soono elected by no one,
if not gratified by the parties that they “sggeriscono” the Head of State Shift. A bit like happened with the so-called
Monarchies that they named, a ereditavano, prncipibus, marquis and barons.
What about deglin “ex” and vice presidents of the House and Senate who continue to enjoy the privileges that have
indebitamente già avuto quand erano in carica? State machine life, scorta e quant’altro.
2 December 2007 @ 21:54
il trionfo dell’opportunismo, della viltà , dell’utilitarismo economicistico mascherato da buonisimo.
It remains only the uprising. from the individual. and associating more.
Roberto Porcu
1 December 2007 @ 17:26
Sante words that armed uprising is not possible because the caste mascherebbe revolutionaries, but what makes you think that a way out of this Italian shit would get different effects and would not be a new edition of Animal Farm ?
Roberto Porcu