Interview on Rai 3 sul progetto di legge per l’identità nazionale veneta
Rai 3 Regione Veneto è il primo servizio giornalistico che parla del progetto di legge in corso di valutazione in Regione Veneto. Ringrazio Beppe gioia per la sensibilità.
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Justice, staff, Policy, History 0
In the video he reveals the lies and slanders of Daniele Quaglia, Sergio Bortotto, Gabriele De Pieri, Gianluca Busato, and since they know I'm not lying I'm sure not quereleranno. The explanation of the evidence LORIS PALMERINI – LIES revealed and slander
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Ambient, Ecology, economy, staff, Science 0
in 2011 I sent around 30000 email regarding the discovery of a new way of producing energy very low-cost, a new way of making cold fusion developed by Eng. Rossi. A wave of press broke out, so much so that the same engineer called me to thank me. Then he emigrated to the USA, because as known the Italian unity does […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Culture, History 0
Oggi è 1 March, ed è il primo dell’anno nel Millenario Capodanno Veneto. Il risveglio di questa festività va dato a Bepin Segato e al Comitato per le belle Costumanze Venete che insieme operammo per anni e che poi ho portato avanti dopo la sua morte. We started in 2002, ed oggi non siamo più dei […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Justice, Venetian Language, staff, Policy intrevista, palmerini, pellegrin, draft law the Veneto region, radio Padania 0
This is the audio of the interview that Pier Luigi Pellegrin of Radio Padania gave me there’ 11 February 2016, concerning the bill filed in the Veneto region for the recognition of Venetian as a minority nation (The “national minority” in terms of the law). The audio has been cut in some places to streamline listening, Are approximately 22 […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Justice, Policy 0
By year end, the President of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, has raised the question of the autonomy of the Veneto Region more and more frequently, as also it was in his electoral program and which received strong electoral support. As is well known, regional autonomy passes through the recognition of the Italian parliament in constitution (thing not […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Venetian Language, staff, Policy, Venetie 0
Diverse persone mi hanno chiesto come è andato l’incontro che abbiamo avuto con il presidente della Regione Veneto Zaia, sopratutto riguardo all’aspetto umano della cosa. All’appuntamento eravamo il sindaco Mazzorato (che ha combinato l’incontro) , Mayor Lio and I, and we met him at a school in Conegliano. C’erano continui arrivi di persone che andavano a parlargli, Also from outside […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Culture, Justice, Venetian Language, Lombardo-Veneto, Policy, History, Venetie 0
Personalmente è dal 1997 che propongo ai veneti le poche soluzioni che esistono per la nostra libertà di popolo, and these concepts have been plagiarized in a bad way or even purposely distorted by different parties politicie groups to date by 5 Active but about 10 During the years. (This means that my intention of spreading […]