The family budget crisis, mortgage and financial
Parteciperò alla trasmissione La Piazza su TNE condotta da Luigi Gandi. Si parlerà della crisi del bilancio familiare, the expensive mortgages, the financial crisis. Distinguished guests with me.
It keeps talking about Super Euro. As evidence of this “fatto indiscutibile”, exchange records: today 1 Euros worth 1,4 Dollars! In questo articolo spiego che non esiste nessun Super Euro e nessuna sua ascesa, ed invece semmai esiste un Micro Dollaro , or a dwarf dollar, e stiamo assistendo al collasso dell’impero […]
On Zeusnews it seems that the air car is a project that will never see the light. The rest of this article 2007 It contains detailed information gathered from the network on this self-ghost. ————————————————————————————- An alternative to oil consumption for cars comes from the compressed air car.E’ an invention that was already made over the years 1920 […]
A company Shanghai that produces hydrogen fuel cells (l’equivalente concettuale del motore a scoppio ma ad idrogeno), has put a hydrogen cell bicycle into production . Può raggiungere i 25 Km / h and costs about 2500 Euro, in line with the models currently on the market. Però la bici si ricarica in metà tempo […]
Human rights, staff, Policy, Venetie
If the news “Team of skinheads beating Muslims at prayer” , is the news would be open to it and done for political discussion 2 months. However, the real news is “the Communists beat the team of social centers in procession Christians” : you have heard ? This actually happened, THE 25 April […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Justice
A detta dell’ Archbishop of Zagreb, Croatian Cardinal Josip Bozanic, l’antifascismo Croato maschera la pulizia etnica Titina. Tutto condivisibile, but we must not forget that Croats Ustacia, durante la guerra, were allies of fascists and Germans, condividendone la filosofia e le azioni, indulging in equally serious genocides. I wonder: is the earth […]
Are approximately 2 years that I have publicly announced that there will be a serious market crisis and the collapse of the Italian economy with the probable disintegration of the Republic. I'm not a seer, and not even a Nobel Prize for economics. Simply I am informed, studying, some phenomena, ed il risultato è che tutto converge a una crisi della quale […]
Nel tempo sono circolate diverse petizioni per avere l’idrogeno distribuito in sostituzione del petrolio. E per molti anni comici (and not) ci hanno detto che l’auto ad idrogeno era la soluzione del futuro. Perfino molte case automobilistiche come BMW hanno in catalogo un’auto ad idrogeno. Ogni tanto qualcuno si rifà vivo con questa pista, that […]