Proposal for Regional Statute Veneto contested by the Government. Obvious
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The network has opened the doors for the free exchange of information and content, opening up to real competition culture to date of the state monopoly. As more’ repeatedly demonstrated, the official story often comes out in pieces, see C.Cattaneo, Garibaldi, and even stories like Meucci, Marconi, Einstein etc.. Tuttavia il fenomeno è […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, economy
The Tg 3 the region of Veneto 9 January, full “scandal” on tax evasion in Cortina, ha parlato degli accertamenti dicendo che l’Agenzia delle entrate, la quale confermava l’evasione che tanto scandalo aveva dato nei media, established beyond doubt, said the same, perché non si era trattato di un controllo a campione, but simply […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, economy, Justice
Years ago, perhaps 10, I read that the minister responsible had not made a certain administrative act for the protection of ham, and that even if the damage could still repair the delay would have resulted in a cost of hundreds of millions of pounds to the Italian state. I think it was a PD minister, A […]
I calicanto from approx 30 ani coltiva el recupero de i strumenti musicali veneti e de sonorità deła antica musica. Xe na sorpresa scoprire fra el so repertorio musiche che pare vegnere da n’altro mondo, a volte de na modernità che sorprende parché radicà nel pasato de un glorioso popolo come el veneto. Eco a […]
A reader asks me what I think about regulation and taxation of prostitution in order to solve the economic problem, as well as health. Gli ho risposto che gli darei ragione anche se più dell’aspetto sanitario considero importante il fatto che risolverebbe il monopolio di fatto della prostituzione da parte della criminalità’ che l’attuale situazione […]
Food and Health, economy, Science
The information contained in this article are particularly important for those who are elderly and children who are vaccinated as they may be reduced to dementia because of vaccinations. Report this item to your email contacts, or the “I like it”. The website published a translation of an article in which American […]
Ecco perché la bancarotta non arriverà mai: it is not expedient to power. If the situation wedged by a thread from bankruptcy, the regime's propaganda would always be able to blame the “speculators”, by taking his people's eyes to the problems that created the national debt. Instead of looking at […]