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- Venetie
6 months are not 180 days : things that happen in Italian law
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Justice, staff
The Venetian people are in fibrillation . With the Venetian people, that community that perceives itself as differentiated from the Italian one and that asks for the legal recognition of this difference and respect for its own language, identitÃ, culture and right to autonomy. It seems to me self-evident that to think of the Venetian people as something related to […]
We were won: how to take back our freedom?
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Justice, Lombardo-Veneto, staff, Policy, History
This is an excerpt from a conversation in a chat regarding the topic of how to free ourselves from the gang of bankers who have already made us servants for years. …… We can not simply win back our own territory with weapons, because as well as being bankrupt it is also impossible on a legal level. In fact, the right of conquest […]

Democratic, anti-communist, antifascist and human rights.
Culture, Human rights, staff, Policy
I exist, and I have a right to not be what decides a central government, se compatibile con la società democratica e il rispetto della collettività che mi ha generato. Among my fundamental rights will be then the right to own the means of livelihood for me and my family. L’idea che la […]

Loris Palmerini – LIES revealed and slander
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Justice, staff, Policy, History
In the video he reveals the lies and slanders of Daniele Quaglia, Sergio Bortotto, Gabriele De Pieri, Gianluca Busato, and since they know I'm not lying I'm sure not quereleranno. The explanation of the evidence LORIS PALMERINI – LIES revealed and slander
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l'ing. Rossi makes progress : this is why the cost of oil is lowered?
Ambient, Ecology, economy, staff, Science
in 2011 I sent around 30000 email regarding the discovery of a new way of producing energy very low-cost, a new way of making cold fusion developed by Eng. Rossi. A wave of press broke out, so much so that the same engineer called me to thank me. Then he emigrated to the USA, because as known the Italian unity does […]