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Encrypted networks are a right!
“Ogni individuo ha diritto alla libertà di espressione. Tale diritto include la libertà di opinione e la libertà di ricevere o di comunicare informazioni o idee senza che vi possa essere ingerenza da parte delle autorità pubbliche e senza limiti di frontiera.” Articolo 11 CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION
Commemoration of Norma Cossetto – 5 October 1943
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Culture, History
Commemoration of Norma Cossetto – 5 October 1943 8 September 1943 8 September. 8 September 1933 that those lands had “autodeterminarsi”. 8 September “partisan” Tito (monarchical past the communist revolution) 8 September, victim […]
The spectacular growth in the vaccine market, makes it very
economy, finance and credit, Salute, Vaccinations, Vaccines compulsory vaccination, Vaccines
The vaccine market has become the new investment frontier. They were created for Bond special, and make about 15% annual interest, much more than other investments. E’ a transfer window “sure” and stable thanks to the mandatory policy imposed on Member (no matter that it is illegal for human rights, financially it is more […]

The signs and demonstrations of a global plan
Food and Health, Ambient, Human rights, finance and credit, staff, Policy, TV and surroundings, Vaccines
In this post of 2017 I had pointed out that several elements indicated to us the existence of a general project of undemocratic global domination, project that proved to be being implemented and which in fact was unleashed with the Covid-19 pandemic . The original text of 2017 is reported at the bottom, in what follows […]
The Venetians have suffered genocide, denying it is a racial crime
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Lombardo-Veneto, History, Venetie
in 2007 I wrote “The Republic unborn” book in which I briefly retraced the history of the Venetians starting from antiquity, and then I am telling the genocide suffered by us in Istria and Dalmatia in World War II, and I demonstrated that failure to vote of citizens of the land of the referendum 1946, vote postponed by law, […]
From the remote testing of some vaccines even years proven to be operating. However, the damage remains.
Salute, Science, Vaccinations, Vaccines compulsory vaccination, Vaccines
Forced to make vaccinations, many parents (species between the stupid NOVAX) They have begun to worry about the vaccination practice differently, for example an interest to antibody tests. Since these tests are prevaccinali a legal right without charge, They began to request them in large numbers, and since there were many parents, vaccinated requested them […]

Catania: man 42 years die of measles. Maybe it's the mass vaccination fault
Science, TV and surroundings, Vaccinations, Vaccines compulsory vaccination, Vaccines
September 2017: in Catania a man of 42 years died of measles. I condolences to the family of this man too young, and we wish them that his death is not exploited as it shamefully happened with the child who died a few months ago, that, totally out of place, has seen the family blamed since […]
Kit families against mandatory vaccinations illegally
Human rights, Right, Justice, Vaccinations, Vaccines compulsory vaccination, Vaccines
By filling out the request form below to receive a free kit of the Handbook Loris Palmerini Family (watch. of the 1 nov 2017) tips for dealing with red tape relating to “obligation” vaccine. I may want to do this little operation before reading the text, because it is constantly updated. You can safely download it several times. […]