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Al momento hanno sottoscritto l’Istanza cittadini e residenti (subscription is also the right of resident foreigners) and some have left the following comments:
Human rights, Right, Salute, Vaccinations
(If you want to deepen before signing, see this page) They can also sign residents without citizenship, as it is of international human rights. We citizens and residents (at the moment ), aware that human rights are inalienable and constitute the foundation of the legitimacy of the State and that they are protected by art. 2 of the Italian Constitution; considered […]
Salute, Science, History, Vaccinations, Vaccines
Dr.. Miedico e le tabelle ministeriali delle malattie contagiose Malattia Bambini Morti nell’anno 1887 Children who died during the year 1950 whooping cough 14.000 ZERO diphtheria 25.000 ZERO measles 25.000 ZERO Tetanus 600 300 TUTTO QUESTO SENZA I VACCINI “Il morbillo si sapeva che era una malattia ciclica e che ogni 5 years causes a spike. This year [2017] […]
Right, economy, finance and credit
In this video I unmasked as the national debt is a sham crafted, and the debt crisis in which we find ourselves is the fruit of a well-defined project. The mechanism of bank fraud and public debt that I made clear was later exploited by the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti […]
Food and Health, Human rights, Right, Justice, Policy, Vaccinations, Vaccines
Today's Press Release from the Constitutional Court made me think of the black cloth on the tomb of Doge Marin Falier although perhaps it has nothing to do with it. Let's try to understand what happened. The problem of vaccinations is a theme that includes many aspects: 1) the scientific aspect of their effectiveness and opportunity 2) the scientific aspect of theirs […]
Human rights, Right, Salute, Vaccinations
I follow some chat of those who do not want to be vaccinated or who are concerned about the side effects (not rare) that arise with vaccination. Purtroppo è del tutto evidente che ASL e politica se ne fregano della scienza e dei pericoli per la salute. Notwithstanding the Constitutional Court, che però risulta aver previsto di dare […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Right, Lombardo-Veneto
Un utente che si firma Marco commenta il mio post sul Lombardo-Veneto dicendo che “non esistono percorsi legali per arrivare all’indipendenza, unless you are unable to modify the article 5 della costituzione italiana”. Ed aggiunge che per altro esiste l’“interesse geopolitico di mantenere integra l’Italia da parte degli altri stati, at least to those who […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Right, Lombardo-Veneto Catalunia
What principles are the ones we have seen now with Catalunia, that despite a referendum we are denied the principle of self-government and self-determination, but that path perhaps did not take that ruling into account to better direct political action and an action strategy. Unfortunately by the time I had said it would end as […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Right, Lombardo-Veneto
Going back to my article, it proves once again that the Lombardo-Veneto (a sovereign state) è unito all’Italia in violazione del trattato del 1866, ossia l’unione fu realizzata a forza, ie illegally: tecnicamente è uno Stato occupato. If not enough, la legge statale n° 212 December 2010, Italian law, canceled the annexation of the 1866 […]