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The disorderly revolution serves the regime for a coup.
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Justice, Lombardo-Veneto, staff, Policy
What do the Pitchforks? nay, those of 9 DECEMBER? nay, They are unemployed! nay…….. La confusione che c’è nelle strade ha una sola componente in comune: each one manifests in the crowd for personal reasons and different. You're unhappy about something ? Go to the streets ! L’unico motivo comune a tutti i […]
The tricolor is the flag of non-freedom
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Justice, Lombardo-Veneto, Policy, History
Questa è la situazione che l’Italia ha avuto per oltre 3 centuries, with small variations. This period is called “Renaissance” from the entire Western world, and recognizes that the Italian peninsula, with all its states, They have produced many world-firsts, and has become the center of a revival of’ whole humanity. The various states, in their […]
Not only “pitchforks”, but so much confusion
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Justice, Policy
On protest “pitchforks” è scesa l’attesa salvifica di ogni corrente politica. While singing in Piedmont “Hello Beautiful” and menano between communists and fascists, according to the site manager you have infiltrated even the football Ultras, the unemployed and RSU. in Sicily, original region of Forconi, la rivoluzione è stata rinviata […]
Thanks to the referendum on water …… THEY ARE SELLING WATER RIGHTS!!
The referendum for public water won ? It served to prohibit the sale of water companies? All a hoax, It served exactly the opposite. In fact they started to sell the rights, i.e. company shares. ITALIAN brainwashed AS BALLS. And what did you vote? Under the newspaper articles, in what I was saying when I felt […]
LIFE Veneto leads the Italian recovery
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Policy
La LIFE Veneto risulta capofila di una iniziativa di rinascita ITALIANA. A guidare il tutto Lucio Chiavegato, che fino a pochi mesi fa presiedeva il partito Veneto Stato proponendo il referendum per l’indipendenza del Veneto. La sede LIFE a a suo tempo si è autoproclamata perfino sede dell’Autogoverno del Popolo Veneto (ma era solo un ufficio […]
It is better not to collaborate with the self-governing institutions if you are not pro-independence
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Policy, Science
Nel corso dell’ultimo anno io ed alcuni rappresentanti del movimento siamo stati contatti da diverse forze, who asked to work synergistically. And we in turn contacted other movements. Some had a project that was fully compatible with ours, but in fact lacking the strength to be realized. We in turn do not have the […]
Comment Claudio Franco and international perspectives of Lombardy
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Justice, Policy, Venetie
Commento l’articolo di Claudio Franco ( http://www.dirittodivoto.org/dblog/articolo.asp?articolo=325). Tutti gli elementi portati sono spiegati in vari articoli raccolti qui . The following text traces Franco's assumptions. Cominciamo con il dire che non esiste un solo caso al mondo di Stato nato da un referendum autoproclamato senza il consenso dello stato centrale. Il Sud Sudan ha potuto […]
Lies banking on Venice
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Culture, economy, Policy, History, Venetie
It is always difficult to say absolutely true things about the history of the Venetian Republic, because in 1200 years of existence many things have evolved and changed. Invece su di essa si raccontano un sacco di bugie distinguibili per il fatto che vengono presentate come verità assolute e orientate sempre a darne una immagine negativa […]
The Italian parliament coast 3 Sometimes the English falsify data
L’Italia ha un parlamento diviso in Camera e Senato , per lo più eletti. The Chamber 630 members elected, the Senate to 315 membership, some of which are for life, per un totale di 965 membership . L’ England has a room (the House of Commons) with 650 members elected, and the House of Lords […]