Ajornamento 2020: łe speranse de sto scrito vegneva dal fato che gavevimo deposità el ricorso pa far verificar che el Lombardo-Veneto no xe Italia, ma xe ocupà ilegalmente. in 2008 ghemo avesto la sentensa de Venessia, e ghemo dimostrà che no ghe xe titolo łegal de l’Italia so’l Lombardo-Veneto. E ghemo portà tuto in Consiglio […]
Being Italian is a misfortune, it means to be servants, debtors, nerds and subject to the Mafia. Eccone una prova Mentre si parla di una attacco all’IRAN per il 22 DECEMBER, here it is that the global bankers have taken possession of the Italian Bank, The Bank of Italy. Gli usurai condannati da Dio e dalla Bibbia come il male […]
in 2001 the Oil Barrel Cost was 35 Dollars, però per 1 we wanted Dollar 1,2 Euro . day II 29/11/2006 il Costo Barile di Petrolio è di 56 Dollars, però bastano circa 0,77 for Euros 1 Dollar . So , per un barile di Petrolio nel 2001 we wanted 43,75 Euro, […]
The Italian occupant state has now understood that the karst river of the self -government of the Venetian people can no longer be stopped. Currently there are in Venetie (updated October 2006): – 2 National governments of the Venetians which 1 elected by the Venetian people – 4 Political movements for the independence of the Venetian or independence people – 8 […]
I reread and rewrite an article in 2006, written when Galan still ruled Veneto. I read from a newspaper (of the 2006) that “in the nearby Friulian environments to the request for specialties that comes forward from Veneto” yes object that "”Veneto cannot camp minorities to be protected to request a specialty as a region, così come non […]
In April 2006 I founded the “Clerks COMMITTEE FOR NO TO THE REFERENDUM 25 E 26 June 2006” Here are the reasons I brought against patacca “devolution”. Caution: the arguments given below were recorded and are subject to legal protection. La loro divulgazione è permessa a patto che vengano accompagnati sempre dalla citazione […]
Posted by Piave on Monday, 13 February 2006 Il grande Montanelli, considered one of the fathers of Italian journalism, chiamava “burletta” quei plebisciti del 1866 with which united Italy was made. A dare riprova di questa sua definizione, It is now to get out, Mei, un libro che porterà verità sulla “Union” of Veneto to Italy […]