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Who gains by the divisions among the Venetians? And how to get out?
Current events and history of the Veneto people, staff, Policy
Se osserviamo il panorama dei movimenti che si pongono l’obbiettivo di una sovranità parziale o totale del popolo veneto, notiamo una galassia di entità spesso fra loro in contrapposizione o in aperta lite con tanto di calunnie. Where does this fragmentation? Who gains? Si può uscirne? Intanto guardiamo cosa c’è sul piatto. us […]
at the Venetian Intervention Network 17 May 2017
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Right, Information, TV and surroundings Venetian aggregation, constitution, immigration, migrants, landings
The rights of citizens and non cittadiniitaliani sonoidirittidegliimmigrati, questolostabilisce the Constitution. The complaint Palmerini on the subversion of the constitution nelequiparareicittadini non-citizens. The rights of the Venetians as minoranzanazionale, autonomy and devolution of matters. AGGREGAZIONEVENETA ON TV : SOLO I 9 MINUTES OF MY INTERVENTION AS SPOKESMAN COMBINATION VENETA Or video […]
Raetia and bacteria
Food and Health, Ambient, Ecology, Science antibiotics, battery, resistors, net, Science, virus
Imagine a beautiful mountain stream that flows into a placid lake and shiny. The hot day suggest a bath, in fresh water……, you undress and you dive, swimming gently lulled by birdsong………, swimming with your head underwater, you can see the rays of the sun go through it far away in the crystal clear water and get lost in the bottom…. This image […]

Nominated for UNESCO the Venetian fortress of Palmanova
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Culture, Venetian Language, History, Venetie
The wonderful view from above of Palmanova alone makes it clear why it is in a good position to become a UNESCO protected heritage site. It is one of the many military fortresses of the Venetian Republic that are present in an incredibly vast area that involves not only the “Tate of Tera” (from Bergamo to Istria) but also the […]
The Government puts his hands forward: no autonomy to Veneto
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Right, Policy, Venetie
In an article in the Gazzettino 4 May 2017 entitled “The Minister for Regional Affairs freezes the Veneto: no fiscal autonomy” Minister Costa's thoughts on the Veneto region referendum for autonomy to be held on 22 October 2017, I thought expressed in Parliament at Question Time. Secondo Costa il referendum non porterà all’autonomia […]
The stupidity of the Corporation “ITALY REPUBLIC OF”
staff BUFFALO, ITALY REPUBLIC OF, OPPT, single people, individual sovereignty, High
This hoax with variations in the past, registered with the SEC, from the name “ITALY REPUBLIC OF” This hoax with variations in the past. This hoax with variations in the past, This hoax with variations in the past “foreign governments”. This hoax with variations in the past, […]

Protocols of Zion ? A hoax conspiracy done with “copy and paste” other previous texts
Culture, economy, finance and credit, Policy
As told in the voice of Wikipedia “Protocols of Zion” (quindi da un autore sconosciuto o da più autori sconosciuti) the so-called “Protocols of Zion” It would be created with a text copy and paste operations prior, however all modern stuff. In short, a plagiarized the text repeats almost identical passages from other texts. A […]
exceeded 5.000.000 of pages / year
The www.palmerini.net site is becoming an important point of information, especially for the Venetian question, but not only. From over 3 million pages / year reached in recent months, now is maintaining over the 10.000 pages / day, or beyond the 400,000 / month, total over the 5 million pages / year. E’ an important milestone, and we're talking about […]